Chapter 5(:

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We went for a walk to the park.

It was so pretty at here.

"Well its really pretty out here" i said

"Like you" Hayes whispered

"What?!" I said

"Nothing,so how was your first day with us" He added

"Great i like ya'll already" i said

"Thats good."

It was getting late and i was really tried

"Get on my back i will give you a piggy back ride" hayes said

I jumped on his back and he carried me home.

"Heyy looks who back" Nash said

"Hey guys" i said

"Hey beautiful" Cameron


Apparently people took pictures of me an Hayes and me on his back.

"I ship it"


"Hayie! SHIP NAME"

"I dont ship"

Thats all i saw on twitter!

"This cant be" i said

"Dont worry,i just tweeted we dont date"Hayes said

"Okay,what if they hate on me" i said

"Look everyone has haters so we just have to deal with them" Matt said.

"C'mon lets watch movies"Carter added.

We sat and watched movies

It was a great day!

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