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I was crying,i was so scared! I didnt know what to do.

"Dont cry, i honestly dont want to hurt you" Daren said

"Then why the hell you have me here" i asked

"Cause i like you and i know you dont like me" he said

"We could of talk this out" i said

"Ohh no! Now your mine" he said as he pulled out a gun.

Daren wasnt looking,i ran outside and he chased me with the gun.


We saw a girl run through the street

"THATS HER" i yelled as we pulled over and ran to her.

Daren got Danielle and wrapped his arm around her neck with the gun by her head.


"Go guys! Leave! I'll be with Daren" Danielle said

We stood still.

Carter and Matt came behind Daren and knocked him out with a brick.


I ran to Cameron with tears!

I hugged all the boys so tight! I was shaking and i couldnt stop crying.

The boys called 911 and Daren got arrested.

We were on our way home and i was still crying.

We got home and we all just stayed in the car.

"I-I think Daren raped me" i said

"WHAT!" Cameron yelled

" i didnt have the clothes when i went to sleep" i said

"Yes you did! I gave em to you"Hayes said

"Ohh dear lord! Thank you jesus!" Cameron said

As i just stood there.

We went inside and i went in my room.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" i said

Hayes walked in as he hugged me.

"Please dont let go i really need you and this hug right now" i said

"I wont" Hayes said as he put his chin on my head.

"I love you so much" i said

"I love you beautiful" Hayes said

I dont know how long that hug was but it was a good hug.

We went downstairs i laid on the couch as Carter brought me tea.

They all treated me so well.

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