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𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐨

"This is a place where you all should feel safe, to talk freely with those who share similar struggles, to understand none of you are alone

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"This is a place where you all should feel safe, to talk freely with those who share similar struggles, to understand none of you are alone." The voice echoed throughout the empty space, weaving through the circle of chairs placed in the middle of the room, accompanied by men and women alike with bowed heads and shaky fingers, "Because your not, we are all here for you, to be a listener or a shoulder to cry on. Anthony, why don't you start us off."

A middle aged balding man stood up, looking around the room, holding his breath before exhaling with a loud sigh, "Um.. hello, my names Anthony, and uh.. I am an alcoholic. I think- I think I started drinking after.."

His head nodded but fell short as he wiped his hand over his face before sitting back down, "I'm sorry.. I can't."

"That's okay, small steps are key to stability, it takes time." Her blue orbs grazed over to the next in line, a smile of reassurance coating her lips like a thick lipstick, "Margo, how about you."

A mess of brown hair shot up, her head tilting to look at the meeting holder, raking her eyes down from her slicked back blonde ponytail to the tailored blouse and trousers that fitted her slim form. Quietly chuckling to herself about her own get up, a pair of stained grey joggers and a unflattering hoodie that drowned her frail body in her own sorrows, not forgetting the worn and torn sandals on her feet. "Oh no, no I'm good, really good just sitting and.. listening?"

"We can't help you if you don't cooperate, this is your third meeting, and although we are lenient, it is better for yourself if you speak up."

Margo sighed quite audibly, lifting her hand instead of standing, "I think you all already know who I am, tabloids and articles and uh.. crazy family what not. My therapist told me it was best if I came here, though I think it was just so he could cut back on our sessions. What did I miss? Oh! Yeah I have tad bit of a alcohol problem."

"Please try and take this seriously, we are not here to sympathise but to relate-"

"Relate? Relate to what? I lived in a haunted house, my mum killed herself driving my dad into a state of craziness, twenty so years later my brother decides to writes a book on us like were his fictional family, while I drink myself into an oblivion because I still believe I have ghosts out to get me. Can you relate to that? Can anyone else relate to that?"

"Right.. well why don't we have a quick break, something to eat and drink while we.. cool off. Meet back here in ten."

Margo didn't hesitate to throw herself of her seat, eyes set on the array cakes on display at the table in the corner of the room, unsure of which to pick. Even when her feet stood in front of them, she was still contemplating, a hum leaving her lips as concentration laced her irises.

"You know if you stare at those cakes any longer I think they might run away in intimidation." A hoarse voice spoke behind her, momentarily startling her- unsure as to who the mystery man speaking to her was. Turning around she was met with a hard chest, clothed in a dark navy T-shirt which tightened around his arms and chest. She trailed her eyes up only to find his own melancholy ones staring back at her, though a hint of amusement hidden in his layers.

Margo chuckled, picking one of the treats from the plate while the other hand motioned to his muscles, "Me? Intimidating? I can taste the fear of these cakes just in your presence." Smiling up at him as she took a bite, watching as his shoulders shook with a laugh.

"Oh yeah, definitely! I can hear them screaming right now because what monster picks strawberry." His eyebrows rose as she gasped in mock horror, planting a hand on her heart,

"Okay Mr tall dark and handsome you have crossed the line-" her yes drifted back at the table as she ducked her head and laughed, "Nope. Now I see your point."

"I'm Jack Anderson." He spoke smoothly while holding his hand out which she took gently and shook,

"Margo Crain, the local..crazy drunk?" Her teeth bit into her pale lips, waiting for him to drop her hand and walk away like every other person she meets. But for some reason unknown to her, he stayed. With a squeeze of his hand she looked up to see his head shaking,

"You say that like someone's forcing you to call yourself that."

"It started off as just crazy but then news found out about my daily trips to the bar, so start calling yourself that and it hurts a lot less then hearing it from the press, you know?" Her voice had dropped, no longer sporting the playful undertone and Jack had realised this and let go of hand, the corners of his mouth forming pitiful frown.

"The press doesn't know shit, it never does. And I don't know what goes on in your head and it's not my business to know, nor is it anyone's, but being normal? Thats probably worse then being crazy because that shit is overrated anyway." He was expecting a scoff or for Margo to argue back but to hear a small giggle brought a smile to his face once again. Neither of them knowing that the other was the reason they had found happiness in the midst of darkness that plagued their minds.

"Thank you, it's hard to not let people get to when my family and I are always at the end of their criticism." Her words lingered in the air for a moment or two, sinking into Jacks ears as he thought, grazing his tongue across lips as he turned back to the small brunette next to him,

"Fuck those people." Jack smirked over to her as her eyebrows raised.

"Those people?" She matched his own smirk as she pointed to the group making their way back to the circle of chairs.

"Exactly." Once again he held his hand out, waiting for he fingered to interlock with his, "M'lady would you accompany me out of this hell hole to grab some lovely Chicago coffee."

"Is there gonna there's alcohol involved."


Holy shit is that an update?
Yes, yes it is

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