Chapter 15 Dumb Mark Lee

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"MARK lee, you're so dumb" Mark said to himself as he lay on bed

"What have you done?" Mark said as he pulls his hair from frustration

"Everything is awkward now. Well, for me" Mark said

Mark heard his phone ringing and he didn't bother to see the caller ID

"Hello" Mark said

"Get your ass here mark lee. Your parents are bombering me with questions. You MIGHT wanna help me, right?" Donghyuck said

"What? Where are you" Mark asked

"Outside" Donghyuck simply said

"Where the fuck is that outside you're talking about? and why are you with them?" Mark asked

"Maybe because you're sleeping earlier and when I try to wake you up, you can't even hear me!!!" Donghyuck shouts

Mark pulls his phone away from his ears

"No need to shout" Mark said

"You're making me shout. Hurry up. I swear if you're not here within 5 mins. I will tell everything to your parents!!!" Donghyuck said as he hang up

"What a brat" Mark said as he throws his phone on the bed


"So, How's your dinner date with mark, sweetie? Did you enjoyed it? oh no DID YOU KISSED HIM? ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED WITH MY SON? SHOULD I CALL THE WEDDING ORGANIZER NOW?" Mrs. Lee asked while smiling at donghyuck. She's really excited to know everything

"Hon, Chill. You're scaring him" Mr. Lee said as he held Mrs. Lee's hand

"Sorry, can't help it. I really want them to be together" Mrs. Lee said

"But I don't want you to lie to me, donghyuck. I hate liars" Mrs. Lee said

"But I know you won't lie to us. You respect us, right?" Mrs. Lee asked donghyuck

Donghyuck didn't know what to do. He's obviously lying to them since the beginning but mark forced him to do it.

"Y-Yes, mom." Donghyuck said

"Well, you should start telling me everything now" Mrs. Lee said as he chuckles

Donghyuck rubs his nape. He's hesitating if he should tell what happened last night or not

"U-Uh, w-well. It started whe--'

"Mom, I don't think you need to know that. It's between donghyuck and me" Mark said as he put his arms around donghyuck's shoulder

Mrs. Lee looked at him "Who told you to be here?"

"No one" Mark said as he looked at donghyuck

"Go back to your room, mark. This is between dOnGhYucK and mE" Mrs. Lee mocked him

"Nope, mom. I will stay here" Mark said

"No fun" Mrs. Lee said as he crossed her arms

"Stop sulking hon" Mr. Lee said as he pulls Mrs. Lee closer to him

"Talk to your son then" Mrs. Lee said

"Nah, I think it's really between him and donghyuck" Mr. Lee said

"No" Mrs. Lee whines

"You look like a kid mom" Mrs. Lee said

"Shut up mark lee" Mrs. Lee said

Mr. Lee laughed because of it



"I have something to tell you" Mark said

Donghyuck looked at him and mark look tensed

"What is it? Are you okay?" Donghyuck asked

"Promise me you won't get mad?" Mark said as he raised his smallest finger

"Can't promise you that lee" Donghyuck said

"I won't tell it then" Mark said

"Okay" Donghyuck said as he rolls his eyes

Donghyuck really want to know what mark will say but he knows the older will still say it based on what he's acting right now.

"Okay? That's it? You won't force me to tell it to you?" Mark asked in disbelief

"Yeah?" Donghyuck said

"Are you dating jeno?" Mark asked

Donghyuck almost choked on his food

"What kind of question is that? of course not. We're just bestfriends" Donghyuck said

Mark furrowed his eyebrows. He's confused right now.  He knows that jeno likes donghyuck and he thought jeno already admitted his real feelings towards the younger

"But why is he giving you flowers?" Mark asked

"Because we're friends" Donghyuck said as he rolled his eyes

"Friends don't do that" Mark said

"Then we're bestfriends" Donghyuck while looking at mark

"They don't do that too" Mark insists

"Okay fine we're super ultra mega friends" Donghyuck said

"What?" Mark asked as he furrowed his eyebrows

"What do you want to tell me?" Donghyuck asked

Mark panicked and didn't know what to do. He's planning on telling his true feelings to donghyuck now but he doesn't know how.

"U-Uhm, Well, you see..." Mark rubbed his nape

"What?" Donghyuck raised his eyebrows

"Don't pressure me okay" Mark asked

"I'm not pressuring you idiot. I'm just asking" Donghyuck said as he chuckles

"You look really-"

"Ithinkilikeyoudonghyuck" Mark said

Donghyuck stopped talking because can't process the words that mark had told him

"What?" Donghyuck asked

Mark didn't know what to do again

"Nevermind. I think I'm just confused and besides, I'm straight" Mark said

Donghyuck felt hurt but he tried not to show it.

"Oh, Okay"

I know, I know mark is dumb. He'll make it up to donghyuck soon dw. I love you all!

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