2. Run Away Now

978 76 21

Author's note: 
Happy Pride Month! Have some useless lesbians!

In which a very jetlagged Karlie makes another discovery.

It was four in the morning when Karlie finally gave up on sleep.

Jetlag hit her hard the previous night, and she had spent hours lying awake in bed, staring at the ceiling. Thinking about Taylor.

Throughout those countless minutes spent willing her body to sleep, the one thing Karlie was able to focus on was the feeling of that second heartbeat reverberating throughout her body.

Yesterday, the sensation had been strange, prickly, like a forgotten limb was waking itself up. But throughout the day, that second heartbeat began to feel as natural as breathing. As tired as she was, Karlie would have easily written off that day's events as another dream, but the songwriter's pulse remained strong and steady beside her own, undoubtedly real.

It was still surreal, being able to pick up on the tiniest change in Taylor's heart rate, feeling how it sped up, slowed, fluttered throughout the day. As she unpacked her things, concentration always half on that phantom pulse, Karlie imagined what Taylor might have been doing at that moment, what would cause each change in pace.

As she tried and failed to sleep that night, Karlie felt Taylor's heart slow from its resting rhythm to something more balanced, relaxed, as Taylor presumably fell asleep. Karlie liked to think one day she would be able to decipher Taylor's exact actions by reading her heartbeat, a secret code only the two of them would ever know.

Taylor's heartbeat had been steady for hours now. She, unlike Karlie was obviously getting a good night's sleep.

Karlie scrubbed her eyes with her fingers in frustration. She had to get some sleep damn it. She was so tired, and the day ahead was a busy one. Rolling over, she blindly slapped her hands around, trying to find her phone.

4:03, the numbers shone from the screen.

"Urgh, forget this," Karlie muttered. It was time to kick jetlag in the face. With a groan, Karlie fell out of bed, and starting searching for her running shoes.


As she hopped around her bedroom, wiggling her legs into her running gear, Karlie scrolled through her phone, re-reading the texts she and Taylor had sent each other the day before.



Hey Taylor!

Hope this is the right number

Here's the address for the café I mentioned let me know what you think

This is Karlie by the way

Karlie Kloss



Sorry you must have a wrong number

I don't know any Karlie Kloss


(im winking cos im joking)

(that was my attempt at humour)

Sorry that was awful

I make bad jokes when I'm nervous

Now I'm rambling

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