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"What was that"One of the campers, Steve says.
"It was probably a dumb racoon" says Alice.
"Don't talk bad about nature you idiots it can hear you" says Ivy as she tosses her green hair back.
"Ivy are you okay your hair looks like vines" Steve asks
"It's a- uhhh- go get some firewood Steve" Ivy says
"I'll help" says Alice.
"Good I'll stay watch" Ivy says.

Tim walks in without his mask on to the campsite
"Hi I'm Timothy Wright I'm camping with my friends too" says Masky
"I know who you are Masky, Brian talks about you during the meetings" Ivy responds.
"Okay that's a nice n- wait how do you know I'm Masky and who is this Brian"Masky asks
"You know Hoodie" Ivy says as she flips her hair back
At that moment a high pitched scream rings through the forest.

Steve screams as he sees his friend in pain with her foot caught in a bear trap.
Steve hears a laugh near him.  "Maybe the guy who's laughing can help"
"I'll help her out of there" a voice says in the shadows "I'll just need you to go get me some leaves there some trees by your campsite except instead of going there you take a left then go straight after that"
"Got it sir" Steve responds as he leaves.
Once Steve the figure reveals itself to Alice. It makes an evil smirk.
"I'm going to have fun with you Ms. Alice" it says wickedly "Seems like my trap worked"
Not too long after Steve comes running back screaming. "ALICE I SAW SLENDERMAN!"
The thing disappears before he gets seen.

"I think I did good Toby" Slenderman says
Toby nervous says "Y-y-y-yeah Slender" he knows slender made a huge mistake.
"Toby tell me what is wrong." Slender says. The figure rises from the ground behind Slender and gives Toby a sharp look. Then makes a signal motion for cutting the neck.

"Sssssssslender" the figure hisses "You ruined my plan" the figure says a word in a different language. The figure punches Slenderman in the chest and he falls down. The figure tries to pounce on him but vines wrap around his torso preventing his pounce.
"Haddie calm down I knocked out that other guy" Ivy says walking to them.
"NOT AFTER I GRAB HIM BY HIS AND-" the rest of his yelling his muffled by Ivy.
"Haddie just go and get your prey real quick he might recover soon" Ivy says again this time with a stern voice.
"Fine" Haddie says in a disappointing tone.
A flower by slender sprays a purple gas in his face. Slender is knocked out. "There we go" Ivy says satisfied.

Haddie hits Steve hard on his neck to make sure is asleep. Haddie then grabs a tree branch from a tree and frees Alice from the bear trap.
"Who are y-" Alice starts to say but is interrupted by a sudden motion by Haddie.
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Haddie says in a low tone after he swiftly bit her arm. "Good a mark is there, and if he asks you the bear trap left it" Haddie smiles menacingly and gives her a hard cold stare.

addie disappears. Steve wakes up
" Ughhhhhh what happened" Steve says looking at Alice. "You're free Alice" Alice stabs Steve and grabs his body

"Brian I'm so sorry" says Slender man
"It's okay" Hoodie says in a calm manner.
"Brian where are you going?" Slender asks.
Hoodie opens front door to see Alice drop Steve's body. Hoodie gives her a cold stare and Alice screams and dies. "Just opening the door" he says happily as he grabs the corpses.

No Man's Story To Insanity (Still In The Making)Where stories live. Discover now