Hoodie's Past

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(4 years ago)
"Man I hope Pandora doesn't take our breakup too seriously." Brian says. "What do you think Haddie?"
"I think I don't give a crap about her" Haddie says in my head.I
"Don't be so harsh Haddie" Brian says
"I don't care Brian" Haddie replies
"Hey do you know where we are?" Brian asks Haddie.
"Not a clue" Haddie says
"Maybe that big guy in the black clothes knows where we are!"
"BRIAN PUT THE HOOD OVER YOUR EYES NOW!" Haddie yells in my head.
"Okay okay don't yell" Brian says as he puts the hood over his eyes
"Let me go out I know how to see without using my eyes" Haddie says
"Okay Haddie" Brian blinks and teeth go sharp.
Haddie approaches the big guy
"Hello Mister do you know where I am?" Haddie asks the guy
"Why my child you are in my domain of shadows" the big guy says "What's your name little boy? Can I see those eyes?"
"I'm not telling you" Haddie says defensively. "I'll bite you!"
"My My My look at your teeth my boy you got teeth just like your old man" the big guy tells Haddie.
"YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER!" Haddie yells. "My father's dead"
"Now why would you say that Brian or should I say Haddie" the big guys says with a slender tongue licking the air.
"How do you know who I am?" Haddie says flabbergasted.
"I told you I'm your old man, Haddie Thomas" says the figure. Haddie bites his arm as he tries to grab him. But his teeth to through him. "I'll end you like your brothers and sisters"
Haddie falls through the ground before he grabs him. "I'll find you little one." The figure disappears.
"Where am I?" Haddie asks as 3 shadowy blobs pop up.
"Your in the Shadow Realm." The first one says.
"Seems like you met the Shadow King!" the second one says.
"How do I leave here now!" Haddie says
"Woah don't get flustered" the third one says.
"That king of yours must have been my father" Haddie says
"That'll explain how you got here" the shadows say among themselves.
Haddie's teeth go normal.
"I'm Brian and my bro Haddie was the one you actually met. So could get us out of here?"
"Sure just as long as we can come with you! We'll teach you about your special abilities!" the first shadow says.
"Sure you can come with me" Brian says.
Brian rises up from the ground and startles Slenderman.
"AHHHHHHH! What are you" Slender says. Brian pulls the hoodie over his face.
"I'm Brian and I have a weapon with me" Brian says.
"Take off the hood now" Slender demands.
"No" Brian says.
"Fine I will" Brian's teeth grow sharp "and I'll shred your organs and intestines all over the woods leaving a note saying this is taxidermy"
"You are one of them" Slender says as his tentacles grabs Haddie but Haddie bites it.
"You made me do it"
"You don't have to take it off but you'll tell me how you are" Slender says
"Fine" the teeth to normal "I'm Brian and you must be the Slenderman everyone talks about"
"They do"
"No I just read about this forest"
"Are you a shadow-spawn?" Slender asks.
"Yes and like I call it a bi-souler" Brian says "you'll call me Hoodie and my brother Haddie cause we are two people in one"
"Fine I'll lead you shelter"
"I didn't want to go home anyway because bad stuff might happen"

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