794 11 4

3rd person POV

"Today is the day I will tell masky my feelings" Toby thought . As he was walking down the hall he seen something that broke his heart. He seen masky and hoodie kissing.

Toby's POV

I can't believe this by now I was in my room crying. The voices were right masky will never love me.(voices = this writing and Toby = this writing) you worthless peace of trash just kill yourself . S-SHUT U-UP I screamed I got my pocket knife and started cutting my arms ones again but when I was doing it this time stuff started to get blurry soon everything went black.

Masky,s POV
I heard Toby scream shut up so I went to check on him the door was locked so
I burst Toby's door open he was on the floor covered in blood I screamed for slender I was worried this was all my fault Toby wouldn't of done any of this if I did not kiss hoodie I'm in with Toby now I hope he wakes up soon this is all hoodies fault

Hoodies POV

Shit I messed up big time or did I maybe it's Toby's fault I mean he did walk in to the hall while i-we were kissing I mean I liked the kiss but I don't think masky did. Ah who cares what he thinks

Sry if this is bad this is my first time writing on Wattpad i ❤️ ticcimask who is with me (there is 265 Word in this chapter) now random picture time

Note   Sry if this is bad this is my first time writing on Wattpad i ❤️ ticcimask who is with me (there is 265 Word in this chapter) now random picture time

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Bye for now

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Bye for now

Ticcimask( Toby x masky)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora