Peter Parker's Career Day (Iron Dad)...

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Based off of a Pinterest post which will be shown at the bottom! Credit to the original people for the idea, I just developed it a little more Xx

The sun beat down on Peter as he crossed the road and his phone began to ring. Quickly, he dug in his pocket for the phone before glancing at the caller id. He smiled slightly and lifted it to his ear, "Mr Stark?" he asked continuing to walk, the other hand waving at Ned who was walking towards him from the other end of the side walk.

"Peter! You on your way to school?" he asked, before hitting something with a hammer. Peter could hear the sound and waited for it to cease for a moment before answering. "Yeah, I'm on my way now." he laughed a little at Ned who walked towards him with a grin.

"Patrol tonight-" Tony was cut off by a sudden announcement from Ned.

"Is May coming to the Career Event today?" he asked joining Peter's side. Tony paused for a moment, listening as he tinkered with a car engine. "Nah. She's working." Peter sighed, before clearing his throat and talking to the phone again, "Erm, Mr Stark you still there?" he questioned, glancing at his feet for a moment before up at Ned who's jaw was open wide in a state of shock and excitement mixed into one at who he was talking to. "Yeah I'm here." he rushed out before glancing at the time. It was still early morning. "I was just calling to remind you that we've got patrol tonight, it's you and me." he explained and Peter nodded, smiling at the reminder.

"Oh yeah! I'll come round to the tower after school." he confirmed, grinning at Ned.

"See you later Pete."

"Bye Mr Stark."

Tony hung up and glanced around his workshop before shouting, "Pep?" he heard her walking down the stairs before she poked her head into the room. "Yeah?" she asked, smiling at the sight of him working on something that wasn't his suit. "Can you call Peter's school for me and found out what time the Career Event is please." he explained, before turning back to the car he was crouched beside. Pepper smiled and nodded, "Of course. I'll get you a suit ready as well." she added before taking back up the stairs.


Quietly, Peter sat at the back of the class. He listened to everyone's parents and even asked a few questions. Ned sat beside him and gave him a smile to cheer him up, but Peter only managed a small smile in return before focussing on the front of the class.

"That was Claire's mom." the class clapped as Claire's mom took a seat. "Peter?" asked the teacher, glancing at the boy expectantly. "May couldn't make it-"

"Is this the right class?" came the voice of Tony Stark, poking his head into the room and looking around. He smiled upon seeing Peter who's jaw was open in shock with the rest of the class. "Good, it is." he mumbled, stepping into the room and letting the door close behind him. "Hey kid. Hope I'm not late..." he trailed off and looked at the teacher for confirmation who shook his head no and gestured with his arm for Tony to stand at the front of the class.

Peter shifted in his seat, unable to control his smile as Tony began to speak. "You all know who I am; Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and a," he took in a deep breath and met Peter's eyes from across the room, "a father figure for Peter Parker which I hope he agrees with." he stated and Peter nodded with a giant grin etched onto his features before realising Tony was waiting for a response and everyone had turned to stare at him. "I-I agree." he stuttered, growing red in the face slightly. Tony just winked at the kid before continuing to talk, a smile refusing to fall from his lips- especially when he caught Peter's eyes which were bright and attentive.


When the speech was over, he took questions and everyone applauded before Tony dragged a chair to sit beside Peter who wriggled on his seat. "Hope you didn't mind kid. I heard May couldn't be here." he explained, hands clamped together as he peered down at them. Peter leaned back in his seat and shook his head quickly. "I, I don't mind Mr Stark. I'm glad you're here." he admitted, and the two of them shared a smile between themselves. Tony landed a hand on Peter's shoulder and gave him a sharp nod of the head before the pair of them focussed to the front of the room.


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