Falling in Slow time.

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"Winter Angel death from above,
He bites his tongue as he falls,
His only wish is for love,
As he falls time slows." - G.F.

I was cased from heaven for loving a human, I'm falling in slow time, I'm contemplating my existence as I fall from the graces of heaven, they said I'll be hunted by demons non-stop, little do any of them know my wings do not work I can not fly.
     I've been falling for an hour now time feels slow and I'm seeing snow, It's always followed me here and there. Humans seem to love when I set it free and let it roam the Earth, speaking of which there's it's surface, I'm almost there finally. Winter angles himself to face the ground, and zips to the ground, on impact rocks fly everywhere and a sonic boon ring travels three miles away. He gets back up on his feet looks around and runs South North kicking snow and ice behind him, he hits mach 20 for a short period of time.
     There it is, my dagger spritz. Spritz is a 2 foot dagger that has a zing sag blade, it can retract into the handle, and Winter can make it fly and control it with his finger tips. Best I find shelter a rest. Spritz retracts and sheaths it's self to Winter, Winter jumps twenty meters up in the air scouting for anything to shelter him self with, he sees a lab with a sign that barley makes out Arctic Lab. He uses he's wings to propel himself to It. He got there and forced the doors open all of the scientists where dead, they had dark essence flowing from their wounds.
     Demons. Winter sighed. Bring it, come out cowards! Twelve black demons burst from the vents, with their horns, purple eyes, fangs, pointed ears, and coal black skin. Winter unsheathed spritz and sent It to the first demons face, it obliterated It's head, whilst he did that he kicked the second demon destroying It. The third one rushed him and he sent spritz spinning into it's legs cutting them clean off, the fourth tried helping it up but Winter grabbed both by the head and smashed their skulls flat together.
     The other demons ran away fleeing for their lives. Rest in peace humans I avenged some of you. Winter looked around and found a winter suit. It was white, it had a hood, an orange visor, fur steel toed boots, and fur gloves, all dyed with white dye. It fit perfectly except for the fact that Winter has wings so he has to cut holes in them. Not a bad look on me if I'm being honest. Winter laughed to him self. Alright this is home for now, spritz protect me while I sleep please. Winter lied down in a bed and fell fast to sleep, while spritz circled around him.
     Winter wakes up looking around seeing spritz finishing the last demon, spritz isn't as powerful in less Winter is awake commanding him, and is even strong if Winter uses his fingers to control it. Spritz come here. Spritz comes and sheaths it's self. Now we need to get out of here where ever we are, I'm also hungry. Winter teleports out of the lab and starts running at mach 24, he saw a group of snowy demons, and he burst-ed right throw them killing them all, and then he leaps soaring through the air like a bullet.
After two minutes of gliding through the air he found a city.
      Okay so we're in the U.S.A. that's for sure. While in the air he flapped his broken wings, creating a sonic boom, gliding in the U.S. at mach 15. Ah a big city, Oklahoma city? He landed softy and hid his wings in the suit, the holes barley noticeably due to the fact they matched with the color of his wings. He walked into a restaurant, a waitress gave him a spot and menu, and looked at him weirdly, he thought to him self does she know that I'm angel, no it's the mask, he pulled it off and pulled the hoodie down.
      The the waitress asked him what he'd like. Just a steak, and red wine, Winter said. Alright she said. After he ate, he left the on the table and a tip, walked out the building and started walking North. It was common for people to see demons and angels, but not one as strong as Winter.
     Winter grew tired of walking he was tired In the sense that life is gonna be hard down here.
I need sleep, but I'm not sure someone would be happy about me busting in their house and sleeping. Hell the busting In part Is bad enough. An old man bumped Into Winter, Sorry lad I can't see, oh an angel. The old man said. How do you know that? Winter asked. Your soul is golden and strong, but there is some demonic flames, best not let them grow Winter, or I'll have to end you. The old man said, then disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
     How did he know my nickname, wait what does he mean demonic flames? Winter asked himself. The world started fading black around him, he saw a golden flame that had a bit of red In It
. He screamed as he pushed himself of the ground. He looked In a window and saw a hallucinogenic  version of himself, It looked like him but with big black horns, and glossy black eyes.


     He was scarred and fled to a black ally and fell asleep. Now angels can not be drugged this was something else, maybe a corruption of Winters soul, demons can be made when a person or animal craves power, just like Winter did 6 years ago, he's fighting not only demons on outside in the world, but now his demon side on the Inside. The question is will he win the battle against demons, or will this hunt for power consume him and his demon flames win his body.
     We'll see if he will triumph.

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