Falling in slow time part two.

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Winter woke from his slumber, he was dazed and scarred, his heart hurt and his legs felt as If they had have been broken. "I feel like shit," Winter said in agony. He felt his pulse for a minute. "256 beats per minute, dammit all," he said aggressively.
     He got up and started walking down the ally until he came to a closing, he jumped off the walls and scaled the buildings in three seconds he looked around for a taller building for a better view, he found an office building about 844 feet high Devon tower. he jumped up the building in 5 seconds upon landing the building vibrated like heavy metal.
     He got a good look at the surrounding area, picked a spot that looked nice and jumped to it speed bombing into the open area landing on his feet, dirt and rocks flew everywhere, dust fogged his landing so he made a getaway so nobody saw him land but few saw him sky bomb into the ground.
     Now I said it's common for people to see angels and demons, but I didn't say, people liked them, in fact, they hate angels and demons they're envious of angels speed and a demon's strength humans want that power and they hate them for having it.
      A chill goes up winters spine he feels a strong demonic presence come behind him when he turns it was too late Winter was sent flying a demon of great power saw him land Winter flew through the air going Mach 50 Winter was shocked he never saw demons this powerful in hell it must have fed on a lot of human souls or a few angelic souls maybe a few demonic souls.
     The demon flew after him at an alarming speed Winter slowed down as best he could the demon still traveling to him Winter crashed his foot into the demon the sudden stop cracking the demon's skull, Winter gored his hand into the demon's stomach its black glowing purple blood spewing out its mouth the two stood still in the air for a minute.
       Then the demon slammed its fist into Winter, Winters' ears rang as he flew to the ground his white glowing gold blood flowing out his ears, his jaw cracking like a whip, the demon chased him down to Earth Winter spun, kicking the demon in the arm splitting it by the joint it flew clean off, the demon growled when it hit the ground and held its arm ", Damn angel." it yelled at Winter.
      WInter blinked to the demon and shoved his hand through the chest of the demon. "Bite me, you bitch," Winter said to the demon before ripping its heart out and tearing its jaw off and shoving it into the demons emptied out chest, the demon swung its arm at Winter but Winter dodged it then the demon died failing at its attempt to strike down Winter. "What a shame, I hope to see more like you," Winter said with a smile on his face.
       He finally looked at his surroundings nothing but oak trees, the old man was resting by a tree. "Hello Winter we meet again do we not?" Winter was mad, no, mad was not a strong enough word, he was pissed to the core at the old man he went full speed at the old man he was going at 10x the speed of light, the old man caught Winter from behind! Winter was shocked the old man laughed and slammed winter into the ground.
        "You're so young and foolish boy," said the old man. Winter saw his eyes they were a mix of yellow of green like Winters, he then got knocked clean out by a punch from the old man.


He saw the flames again the demon flames where bigger then something caught his eye the hand of a demon grabbed him he screamed an then woke in a puddle of sweat, he was angry at the old man he was being toyed with like a puppet and the old man the puppet master, this thought pissed Winter off, he made some motions with his fingers and spritz flew into trees bursting right through them.
      When he cooled down he started walking through the forest his breath was deep and heavy from moving his fingers for such a long time, Winter for a high powered angel was out of shape didn't help that he was also lazy, Winter thought to himself about becoming a demon, he thought about the old man and how powerful he was, it shook Winter and gave him goosebumps.
      The forest was dense and hard for Winter to maneuver around Its twisting trees and hanging vines, not a living thing in plain sight, no sight of humans in the area, not even a pulse of a soul, it was like the forest was a feeding ground for something, then it hit winter Celest live here, Celest is a forest demon type they hid their soul pulse or the wave of energy a soul gives so they aren't found by angels they are normally week but when they have fed on souls for a while it can be a huge problem.
     Winter stood still looking for any clues to try and scout them out when he didn't find anything he sent out an energized soul pulse this move normally is devastating to all surrounding life but Winter knew there was nothing but demons to kill around here so he was fine with doing it. one by one they all fell from treetops all 29 off them.
       Winter was shocked at the amount the must have eaten a bred like crazy here, the smell of their burnt bodies mad Winter sick and dizzy he dashed out of there breaking through five trees in the process he looked around for a minute thinking he felt a powerful magic pulse, he found it a yellow runic stone vibrating with magic potential that looked like it could fit in the hole that spritz has in its pommel, it went spritz started spinning at 10000000 rotations per second. before it stopped and charged a powerful electric shock the blew a 500-yard hole into the ground, Winter grabbed it and smiled as it slid back into his sheath.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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