1: The first day of camp

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Virgil had gone hiking with Roman, Patton and Logan when they decided to stop at a strawberry orchard.

When Virgil and the others walked closer it turned into a stunning camp with people using swords,spears, daggers ect well others road pegisi, (I think that's how you spell it)or i think thats what they were, picked strawberries or just talked and walked.

Suddenly a voice said "You must be half-bloods I'm Thomas." The smallest one Virgil jumped in fright. Patton looked at the boy who was slightly taller then him and asked in the most innocent toan ever "what's a half blood?"

Thomas suddenly looked confused and then like he realised something

"I forgot you wouldn't know." Thomas said awkwardly. "Half bloods are half god and half mortal" "That is illogical" Logan snarled

"Well then I am illogical!" Thomas smiled well saying that."Im a child of Hermes God of travels,theives and merchants!" (I think if I'm wrong tell me please)

"Who would are parents  be?" Roman asked. "Well we won't know until your claimed." When will we be claimed?"Patton puppy dog eyed Thomas. "That would be satisfactory to know."Logan pushed up his glasses well stating his  input. "That deppends" Thomas said. "On what." Virgil practicly whispers.

"Good question" states Thomas. "How old are you and what are your names?"

"I am Roman and I'm 13."

"I'm Logan also 13."

"I'm Patton but these guys call me dad and I am 13 and a half"

"I'm Virgil but you can call me virge also I am going to be 13 in a week."

"That's good you guys should be claimed any day now maybe even tonight at the camp fire"Thomas says happily. " But till then you guys will be in the Hermes cabin"

~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
At the camp fire

Virgils POV

When I saw the camp fire I could not help but to gasp it was so big and so breath taking. It seemed to make our emotions into a flame that felt never ending. I lock over and see Roman it looks like he's thinking the same. Then we see Logan and Patton who are next to Thomas and have some 2 spots for us.

~~~~~about 30 minutes later~~~~~~~~

Still Virgils POV

Something appeared over Logan's head a few kids started smiling and talking to each other excitedly I didn't know what it ment or what to do. Then Thomas proclaims " Logan you are a child of Athena goddess of wisdom" "That's not to far fetched for the Microsoft nerd" roman said. Almost evry one gasped like he said something rong. Logan gust looked at us smirked roled his eyes and looked away. Did no one understand princy was known for giving us a nickname. It was normal we found them funny.

~~~~~~~a few minutes later~~~~~~~~~

Now princy was singing and talking same with Patton. Logan went to meet his new half siblings.

After we decidide to talk for a little bit. Then Thomas handed us something called abrosia and told us to drink it.

(This is what they taste)

Patton: Cookies (of course )

Logan: Crofters  (I'm shocked)(That sounded like deciet🐍)

Roman: red velvet (it's romantic sooo)

Virgil: green tea (I feel like it's good for anxiety)

Like i said this is my first story and I didn't realy have a solid plot I just needed to wright the story that was floating in the ocean that is my mind!

So becouse of that I only have 4 chapters planned mainly about godly parents!

Feel free to correct me and give me ideas for future chapters in the comments it would be realy appreciated!

Also should deceit be in this

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