Chapter 2: His Butler and Maid, Strongest

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A/N: As you can tell by now, these stories will be told by Katerina's perspective, but I will also add the others as well, such as maybe Sebastian, Ciel, Tanaka, the other servants like Finny, etc. I just wanted to add this so there's no confusion later on, and I didn't want to write the book out like an actual novel like my other stories, I wanted to write it out like a script. It's more easier for me when I do this, my apologies to those who don't think so. Also, this chapter contains violence and the use of weapons. Please skip if you don't feel comfortable with that kind of subject.!

*A couple days later, Ciel had more guests over at the manor, including his aunt, the Baroness Angelina Dalles-Burnett—or mostly known to her everyday alias by her peers and even Ciel himself, Madam Red—and Lau and Ran-Mao, and they were all playing pool in one of the rooms while discussing very important business matters. Meanwhile, Katerina and the other servants were investigating a sudden infestation of rats, searching—more like hunting—the entire mansion for them*

Bardroy: *holding a small wire in his hands underneath the floor boards after they rolled up the rug in one of the hallways, noticing small bite marks on it* Bloody hell. This wire's done for. *lightly chews on his cigarette*

Mey-Rin: *kneeling on his right side while Finny's sitting on his left* Oh, not the rats again!

Bardroy: *sits up and scratches his head* This is gettin' ridiculous. I mean I heard they'd been plaguin' London lately, but I never expected them to be such a problem this far out of the city.

Katerina: *walks up to them* Don't worry, I've put more traps in the basement and the kitchen. So hopefully by tonight, we should be free of rats.

*A second later, a small dark gray rat walks up in front of them, squeaking, and they all jump back, shouting in surprise. Finny sneakily grabs one of the head busts in the hallway and uses his strength to pick it up*

Finny: Now I've got you, rat!

Katerina: *eyes widen in fear* FINNY, WAIT!!

Bardroy: NO!

*It was too late. Finny had already thrown the statue and it lands between the three screaming servants, scaring the rat away and causing a big cloud of stone and dust, the impact of how hard the landing was nearly shaking the entire estate*

Finny: *chuckling nervously* Looks like it got away. He he.

Bardroy: *glaring angrily at him* What're you laughin' for?! Are you tryin' to kill us, too, you idjit?! *Katerina smacks him hard* Ow! Katty!

Katerina: *puts her hands on her hips, scowling at him* Don't you dare yell at him! He didn't know, he was only trying to help!

Bardroy: He still shouldn't have thrown that thing at us!

Katerina: He was still trying to help kill the rat!

*As they argue back and forth, Finny, Mey-Rin, and Tanaka watch them, thinking how ironic it is since they look like an old married couple whenever they argue, and most of their arguments are about Finny, but they're still good friends*

Katerina: *waves her hands in the air to end the argument* All right, enough of this! We have bigger problems at the moment, so let's get back to it!

Bardroy: *calming down a little* Katty's right. We still gotta catch the enemy! *meaning the rats*

*They all agree and start hunting down the rats by using unorthodox methods to eliminate them, and everyone that was in the billiard room can hear them*

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