Chapter 5

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Today, it was raining outside, so I stayed home the whole day. I had absolutely nothing to do so I decided to take a nap.

I had a terrible dream.

My mom was on her bed. Coughing like crazy. She could hardly breathe. I tried to run to her but I couldn't move. She was terribly sick. I wanted to help but there was nothin I could do. Somebody, please save her!  No one came. She was slowly dying! No!

I woke up. Sweat was pouring down my face. That was the worst dream ever. I got out of bed and saw that the rain had stopped. At that moment, my phone rang. I checked the name. It was Jake.


Hey, Carrie! What's up?

"Nothin' much! I was taking a nap. I just woke up!"

'Kay! So I was wondering, do you wanna go out! Like, just as friends! 

For a second, I thought he was asking me out. But, we were still gonna hang out! Just, not in the way I thought.

"Sure! I'd love to!"

Cool! I'll be there in an hour to pick you up! Later!

And he hung up. I wore something appropriate for the occasion. Blue jean shorts, a black top and black platforms. I tied my hair into a ponytail and looked to see if I looked OK.


I even saw my expression. Happy! Ever since I met Jake, my expression has changed. I'm so lucky that I bumped into him, otherwise I'd still be a gloomy and shy girl who didn't have any friends. He's the person who has changed my life forever! And I love him! Just as a friend. Not as anything else!


After thirty minutes of waiting, the doorbell finally rang! I ran towards it, checking if I was ready one last time, before opening it. Standing in the doorway was Jake. He was wearing a casual white T, ripped jeans and sneakers. He looked breathtakingly handsome. Oh man, I have so got it for him.

Your just friends! Be happy!

"Hey, ready to go?" Jake asked.

I was really nervous and I was pretty sure I was blushing! I just hope he didn't notice.

"Yeah! Let's go!" I said with a nervous tone in my voice.

We went outside to his car. I checked one last time if the house was properly locked before getting into Jake's car.

As soon as I sat down, I got totally nervous. My knees started to shake. I put my hands on them to stop them from shaking but they just wouldn't. Jake stole a glance at me and saw how nervous I was. He put his hand on my leg and said,

"Hey, why're you so nervous? Is something wrong?" he didn't take his eyes off the road but the tone of his voice  told me that he was concerned. Poor Jake! I didn't wanna make him worried. Man! I'm such an idiot.

"It's nothing! I'm just nervous because we've never hung out anywhere outside of school before!" I confessed.

"What about my house?" he asked still looking at the road.

"Yeah! But then again, your parents were also there so I was kinda relieved, but now! I don't know why, but I'm really nervous! I guess it's cause I've never hung out with a guy before! You know, like to dinner and stuff like that." I said.

"You mean like a date?" he asked, again, eyes on the road.

I nodded.

"This is not exactly a date, Carrie! We're just hanging out! Why were you even thinking that it was? It's not like you like me or I like you right? In that way, I mean!" he said.

That really stung. I felt like crying. It was obvious that he wasn't interested. I almost started crying. But I didn't wanna ruin our day. He may not like me in that way, but we're still friends. And knowing that is enough for me! Besides, maybe soon, he could fall in love with me? Or I may get someone else? Either way, I still want both of us to be friends! There's no way  I could stand us being apart. Hopefully, my wish of us being together will come true!


We arrived at our destination. I still didn't even know where we were. He told me it was a surprise. When we got out, he became a gentleman and opened the car door for me. He told me to close my eyes even. I asked him then I would I see where I was going and he told me to trust him. I believed him and I closed my eyes. He took my hand and squeezed it tightly so I would know that he's there. I followed him around until he finally stopped. He let go of my hand and told me to open my eyes. I did as I was told and when I did, I was amazed at what I saw! We were at an amusement park! Oh my god! This was the best thing that's ever happened to me.

"Oh my god! An amusement park! I can't believe this. How'd you know?" I asked excitedly

"Well, I was thinking about what you'd like and I decided to bring you here! Do you like it?" he asked

"Like it? I love it! This is the best day ever! Thanks so much!" I said.

At that moment I lost control! I was so excited that I jumped up and started hugging him. He was surprised for a moment but then he hugged me back. I stayed in his arms for a minute before I pulled away. I did! He didn't! Meaning he didn't want to! Was this a sign or what? No, I was just exaggerating.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw his handsome smiling face. 

"Shall we go?" he asked.

I was so excited that words didn't come out of my mouth. So I just nodded while smiling. He smiled back and we went inside.


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