Chapter 2

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Chapter 2...Thanks for all the votes everyone! Happy reading!💋

Brooke's POV

Thursday, January 7

I'm sitting at our lunch table with Travis, Kendall, and Nick when I see Mikey approaching us rolling his eyes, with Chloe and Josh trailing behind him bickering.

"I swear one of them isn't gonna live until the end of the day." Mikey says taking his seat directly across from me. I smile and continuing eating.

I don't get why Chloe and Josh hate each other so much, I mean I like both of them a lot and I think if they would just get over being so stubborn towards each other, they'd really hit it off. And not just as friends. Honestly they're so perfect for each other. I've never really told anyone that because they think I'm crazy. If you've ever witnessed them having a conversation, you would know they hate each other's guts. But I look more then meets the eye and I see they way Josh looks at Chloe when she doesn't see. I'm not positive if Chloe's on board yet but I could definitely convince her.

"Someone needs to hold that girl down when that boy says something that gets her going." Nick jokes.

I laugh. Nick and I have been dating for about a year. He asked me out on Valentine's Day last year. We were on homecoming court this year as well. He's like six inches taller then me so I could still wear heels. Nick is different then other guys I've gone out with. Like we're just like best friends and we never fight. I don't have to worry where we are in our relationship because he just makes me happy.

Josh sat down next to me and said, "I literally can't understand why you guys stand to be around her." I didn't say anything and just smirked as he moved his books around. "What?" He stopped and questioned me. I still said nothing and just shook my head. "Brooke, stop it, what?!"

I think I need to take their relationship into my own hands. "Oh it's nothing." I smiled.

"Whatever Moyler, I have to go buy my lunch." He said as he was getting up. Josh and I are actually pretty good friends. We have a lot of classes together so were always doing homework together. We always tease each other kind of like I just did to him. But that time and from now on, it's gonna be serious. I'm on a mission.

Travis and Paige walked up to the table and took their normal seats. The eight of us sit at the same round cafeteria table everyday. To the right of me is Josh, then Mikey, Chloe, Travis, Paige, Kendall, and then Nick on the left of me. Throughout our lunch you can usually expect me gossiping, Nick and Mikey talking about sports, Kendall's always daydreaming, Paige switches seats every other minute trying to sort out people problems, Chloe and Josh getting into a screaming match, and Travis just making jokes about something no one understands. We probably seem really dysfunctional, and we are, but at the end up the day we are always there for each other.

For example, Paige has severe asthma and when she loses her breath and doesn't have an inhaler close by, things get serious. Last year during Christmas break, she ended up in the hospital and we all went to see her and stayed up with her all night telling funny stories, and just keeping her mind off it. We all grew a lot closer after that day, even Chloe and Josh stopped yelling at each other for two seconds to make sure Paige was alright.

"My parents are going out of town tomorrow. Do you guys wanna hang out at my place tomorrow night?" Mikey offers.

We all respond with a chorus of yes, sounds fun, and okay.

We'll all usually hang out together at least once a weekend. We all go to all the parties and football games as well, but it's so much more chill and fun when we just hang out together. We don't have to like try to look nice in front of each other because we've all seen each other at our worst.

The bell rings for fourth period to start and we all get our stuff together. Josh and I walk to gym class together.

"So what were you getting at when I was complaining in the beginning of lunch?" He asks me.

"Oh nothing." I say remembering me smiling at him talking about Chloe.

"Shut up you totally meant something by it you were all smirky." Josh says as he attempts to mock me and makes to most unattractive face ever.

"Oh is that what I did?" I ask jokingly looking up at him.

"You know what I mean." We put out books down and sit down on the bleachers. Our gym teachers are kind of crazy and we never really do anything in gym. We just kind if sit here. "Well..." Josh continues.

"Ummm I don't really wanna tell you."


"Your gonna get mad at me." I shrug. It's the truth.

"No I won't I promise." He looks at me with his big puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," I roll my eyes. "But no getting mad." He nods. I continue, "Well I just think it's strange you and Chloe hate each other so much."

"What are you talking about? I think it's strange you don't hate her." He scoffs.

I roll my eyes. "Chloe is a perfectly fine person and you know that Josh. So..I don't know...maybe these feeling towards her aren't so much hate.."

"I do not like her." Josh stands up and gets extremely defensive. A clear sign he does like her.

I sit back and cross my arms. "I never said that you did."

"Oh," His face gets red as he sits back down. "Well that's what you meant and you were like trying to trick me!"

I glare at him. "I didn't trick you Josh and you know it."

"Well you're a lot smarter then me in these 'girl ways.'" He says uncomfortably. "You catch me off guard when I'm not thinking so I say what you want me to say." He's thinking way too much into this. Which is another sign. He's over analyzing so he doesn't say something he'll regret.

"Whatever you say." I'm not actually mad but if he thinks I am he'll be nicer to me to get me to stop being mean and then he might let something slip.

"Brooke, I'm sorry." He sighs. "I wasn't trying to be a jerk."

"Yeah I know."

"I just don't get why you think I would like her..."


"I mean she's so obnoxious and self-centered..."


"And we're always fighting. There's no way you'd suspect I'd like her." He finishes.

I look over at him. I can see his face change as he realizes what he just admitted. Just as he's about to say something the bell rings. "Oops gotta go to class. See yaaa." I say getting my books.

"I don't like her." He shouts after me.

I turn around while walking, "We'll see about that."

Author's Note...What'd you guys think? Hope you liked it! Don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks for reading!❤️

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