Chapter 7

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Chapter 7...Hey guys. I am so sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I just never have any time anymore! I do want to continue this story and I've been having some new ideas for new books. So please vote and tell me what you think! Happy reading!💋

Josh's POV

Friday, January 8

Chloe and I have been sitting in this closet for like 5 minutes. And neither of us have said anything. We've just been sitting across from each other making awkward eye contact every few seconds.

"Oh my gosh." Chloe sighs flailing her arms and straightening her legs out. "How long have we been in here?!"

"6 minutes." I say emotionlessly staring blanking at her.

"Ugh we're never gonna get out of here." She says putting her head in her hands.

I roll my eyes. She looks up at me. I raise my eyebrows. She rolls her eyes and puts her head back in her hands. "We're trapped, there's nothing we can do."

"Well I bet if you just keep complaining about it, the door will just pop open and we'll be set free."

She leans back against the wall and glares at me. "Do you have any other flavor besides sarcastic?"

"No." I shake my head.

She rolls her eyes. "Would it kill you to be nice to someone?"

"I am nice to someone. I'm nice to a lot of people." I explain. "Just not you."

"I hate you." She smirks.

"Like I care." I scoff.

She doesn't say anything for a while. She's looking at an air vent in the corner. Now it's not one of those huge ones on the ceiling, it's one of the tiny ones in the corner on the floor of your bedroom the air conditioning comes out of. "Do you think we could fit through there?"

I sigh, "No Chloe we can't fit through there."

She shrugs. She's so cute and innocent. Has no common sense whatsoever. Really adora- I mean it's not cute; it's annoying.

"This sucks. We are locked in a closet." She states.

"Reeeaaaally?" I say. She just glares at me. "You know I'm proud that you could even figure that out."

"I'm not that stupid." She defends.

"Oh please. You don't ever think before you say anything. Because you think you don't have to think!! You think everything will be figured out for you. No one hands you anything in life Chloe."

Chloe sighs. "You know what, Josh? You are the most ignorant person in the world." I know I've really made her mad now. "You think you are so much better then everyone else for no reason. It's like you have this huge ego that no one else can even come close to. You act like you don't care about anything in the world when I know you do."

I squinted my eyes, "How would you know that?"

"Uh because I'm not an idiot. I can see through you easily."

"Well, so can I. You act like you're so tough and are perfect knowing everything you know when really you're broken inside, Chloe. And I know it. You just have too much pride to tell anybody." Wow that was deep.

To my surprise, she doesn't come back with someone harsh and sassy comeback. She swallows hard and gives me a look I never thought I'd see from Chloe Lukasiak. She looked vulnerable and scared. I know she was trying to cover it up too but she wasn't doing a very good job. And that's odd for Chloe. If she was a normal person she'd be on the verge of tears.

"Hey I'm sorry I-I didn't mean that." I tried. We were still sitting directly across from each other in the closet at this point. I'm awkwardly moving over to sit next to her. But we're still like a foot and a half apart so it's significantly more awkward.

She shrugs. "No it's okay. I don't care."

I move my head to look at her, "Chloe."

She's glaring at me but it's a little softer then usual and I can still see some of the vulnerability in her eyes. She was very uncomfortable and her gaze is shifting around me. "Whaat?" She says irritated.

I just raise my eyebrows and smirk a little bit.

"Stoooop." Chloe says trying not to smile.

"What?" I say smiling a turning to face her so just the right side of my body is leaning against the wall.

"That." She says turning towards me, tucking her legs to the right of her, and softly leaning her head on the wall.

"This is weird." I state.

"I know." Chloe responds.

"We're never like this."

"I know."

"You hate me."

"You hate me."

"I never said that." I say my voice getting lower as I do.

"Oh my god you say it at least twice a day!" She exclaims. I shrug. "We should stop this now." I nod and we both turn back and face the wall again. "You know I don't hate you that much?" She explains.

"Yes you do." I state.

"Well if you weren't so arrogant all the time..."

"And if you weren't so irritating all the time..."

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "I'm not."

"And stubborn."

"I hate you."

"Yeah, yeah." I say scooting back over to the other side of the closet and lay down putting my head in between the floor and the wall with my legs resting next to Chloe thinking about how for one second she didn't hate my guts. And how I wish it could always be like that, but it can't. And how I know things are never gonna change.

Author's Note...What'd you guys think? Hope you liked it! And thank you so much for over 400 reads! Thanks for reading!❤️

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