Prologue - A Lonely Cat

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                                                         [entire story from garfield's point of view]

It was a cold, lonely Monday when I first felt it, the crippling lonely void I felt within me that not even lasagna could fill. I've always hated mondays, and this one was especially tough. I have gone 8 cat years without finding love and it was all begining to catch up with me on the way home from Burger King. I felt a warm liquid run down my face, but i wasn't crying, I was making the mistake of peeing into the wind. I stormed into my house and smacked an air freshener. A random guy riding a lion strolled past and yelled, "this is my first time doing crack".  I was at my lowest and decided it was time to find my soulmate.

                                                                                [end of part 1]

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