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What a terrible day this was turning out to be, thought Selene. First, she gets the news that her mother's condition had worsened. The Queen had been suffering from Goliath poisoning for weeks now, getting Selene to worry about her mother's life suddenly ending. That brought forth a wave of other worries. She was the heir. If something were to happen to her mother, SHE would become queen. It was something that you simply couldn't get yourself to want. Selene wasn't fond of the idea that the entirety of Luna's future was practically in her hands. The pressure she was putting on herself was enormous. It didn't help that her mother knew about as much about ruling a country as a citizen of an outer sector. It made her feel guilty for wishing to postpone her becoming queen as much as possible because by doing that she was submitting the people of the union she was responsible for to such an unfit ruler for even longer. They didn't deserve that. they deserved someone who would be just, someone who would have mercy, someone who cared about the country more than even their own lives. Selene couldn't help but feel that she wouldn't meet these requirements when she was queen either, that Luna would be let down even if Selene were to be queen instead of her mother Channary. 

 Selene felt overwhelmed with all these thoughts. And to add to it all, she had heard rumors from some of the servants that the royal family was planning on taking a diplomatic visit to earth. She wondered what that was about. She knew the exact person to go to that would calm her down. One of the only people she actually trusted in that palace and it just so happened to be her only cousin, Winter. Selene rounded the corner of a hallway when she saw a door close behind someone. As she walked past the same door to her to Winter's chambers, she couldn't help but notice the voices speaking inside.

"well then, it's settled, we'll be leaving for Earth in a week." Selene could recognize that beautifully wicked voice anywhere. Levana.

"Has the queen changed any of her plans for the emperor?" Sybil's voice rang out from the other side of the door. That was strange. Selene thought the queen had told her that Sybil would be with her the whole day and to not disturb them. Why was she here? "We'll play along. Until she dies of course.", Levana replies.

"what about Selene" Sybil inquires.

"Simple, we kill her too." Levana casually answered. The back of Selene's throat made a weird noise at that last comment, and she hoped they didn't hear it. Her hopes shattered, though, when she heard the doorknob twisting. It was too late. The hallway was too long, they'd still see her if she went running. So, defeated, she stood there and waited for the person on the other side to open the door and catch her.

A prince and a Princess (Kaider fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now