•• chapter 15: Regrets & mistakes ••

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Mike's PoV

So caught up in anger and betrayal.

Everything went black the moment I saw him standing there and I just lost control over myself.... until I threw the door shut, everything came back to me. But I was still so angry! Did he think about us for a split second?

I angrily screamed out and kicked a pair of his shoes away, only to see a terrified Draven at the top of the staircase. I suddenly paused... So did I..

He had tears in his eyes "M-Mike?"

"H-he fell..." I tried, but scoffed at my lousy excuse... "Okay fine but.... He's not coming back Dray." I said, Now maybe even happy about that.

How could I?

He gave me life.... But in return I gave him hell... Well, he did the same to me. So what if he's gone forever now? Fuck it, If he wants to chose drugs over his family, I'll let him.... That motherfucker.

"W-what did h-he do?" Draven slowly walked down each step of the stairs, and avoided the few drops of blood on it...

"He's a bad person Draven. Now go to bed."

"No, what did he do." Draven asked again.

I sighed, Well Chester's gotta pay for what he's done anyways "drugs."

"A-A-And you didn't help h-him?!" Draven yelled out of pure reaction.

"No. Now go to bed." I snapped, and Draven listened but was unable to hide his disappointment.

I groaned angrily and Cursed Chester "Fucking Asshole!"

I groaned and went upstairs to the bathroom... and when I saw those two lines on there I cleaned them up, still cursing Chester. Before going to bed.

I woke up the next morning and turned around to face Chester but... He wasn't there. I shot up in instant panic! Not again! Not again! Oh no! What if Cora managed to get to hi-.... oh wait...

I kicked him out...

Shit! Why didn't I think this through!

I instantly ringed Dave because that's usually where Chester'd go...

"Dave?!" I said and spoke again before he could answer "is Chester with you?"

"Noo.... uhm.. why Mike? What happened? Is he not there?" Dave had panic rising in his voice.

"N-no I.... I kicked him out yesterday.."

"YOU WHAT?!?! Why?!" Dave screamed.

"He was doing drugs Dave!" I said in my defense but Dave obviously didn't agree with me "MIKE! You should've helped him! Not pushed him away! Oh god he must be out there all by himself! Of course he wouldn't go to any of the guys because you ridiculed him!!"

"Dave calm down! He got what he deserved!"

"That's wrong Mike! And you know it! Now help me look for him!" Dave said strictly.

I could only agree because... if I know one thing, it's never to disagree with or disobey Dave when he's angry and Worried. I mean I need to find Chester too... I have to get him back, but it wouldn't surprise me if I now lost him forever... Even if we did find him back.

Chester's PoV

I woke up on the cold floor of the abandoned building I was in, If you could even call it a building... Just a frame with some crumbled walls but... It had something like a ceiling and despite my fear of it falling down on me in my sleep, I laid down under it to shelter me from the rain..

But it didn't stop the rain from pouring just like it didn't stop my tears from falling.

I can't believe he just left me all alone... He doesn't know what it's like to be in constant pain to a point where there are two things to do...

Numb the pain Or end it all.

Mike's PoV

I searched everywhere with Dave, and eventually all the other guys who gave me the same lecture which I understood by now...

I can't believe I just let my anger get the best of me..

And now Chester's all alone somewhere... Please let him be safe... I should've helped him..

"YOU SHOULD'VE HELPED HIM!!" Brad screamed again before nearly leaping at me but Rob stopped him "Hey! Brad calm down! Baby,, Shhh..." He held Brad close "It's gonna be okay.." The youngest member of the band said, Maybe even trying to reassure himself..

"We have to find him..." Dave whispered "... we just have to.. we can't lose him, He's our best friend... He's like a brother to me.."

I felt so bad... I should've helped him... I should've known better..

I got home in full defeat and flopped down in front of my computer... when suddenly I felt something crumble in my pocket... I picked it out and... saw that polaroid of me and Chester, he had the same one... just a different note on the back..

I turned it around "I love you Mikey, thank you so much for always being there for me, thank you for all the help, thank you for everything. I love you - your Chazzy-Chaz"

I felt tears well in my eyes, But angrily wiped them away. I'm not allowed to cry... It's my fault.

I went back to my computer and I logged in but suddenly a notification popped up, an unknown Email that consisted of numbers had send me something... I suspiciously looked at it before opening my Email...

It had a link... and it said:

"Dear Micheal Shinoda,
You may have heard something about this link. It's from the darkweb, do not worry we got a safe copy... but,
Watch this:"

I hesitantly moved the curser to the link and my heartbeat increased, My breathing sped up and I suddenly felt a rush of nervousness, what was this?

I mean Fan made things are usually not send by email nor send by a sketchy email address...

I clicked the link and a video started playing, A too familiar face stood in the frame with a toothy smile and wide eyes.... hauntingly wide eyes of pure psychotic and sadistic thrill..

she could creepily smiled "Hey Everyone.... It's been quite a while hasn't it? Well, This time, I got a special... very special guy with me, Yeah... I finally got this bastard,"

Cora Washington. The video kept playing but.... I never expected it to contain the things it did...

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