•• Chapter 17. The last line ••

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It grew even colder the past few days and I think the last time I ate was like... 2 days ago? I found some old stuff and it was kinda gross but I had to..

It was freezing, my body ached from the cold and I wondered how it was even this fucking cold in the first place!!

It was just the last straw.. tonight it was gonna happen, tonight I'd be gone.

I felt the small plastic bag in my pocket, all the contents still in it..

Mike's PoV

"He has to be somewhere in town right?" I said to Dave, Man, It was cold, despite the winter jacket I was wearing..

"I mean, we don't know how far he could make it.." Dave whispered, I could see the sadness written upon his face.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered. Dave shrugged "I-I... I will forgive you Mike but... I don't know if you'll ever forgive yourself.. You kicked him out.. left him on these cold streets.. So save that sorry for Chester and... Let's hope it won't be too late to apologize to a living Chester..."

My face dropped, what if he did end up dead? It'd be my fault and worst of all, the love of my life would pass away...

Memories of Chester shot back into my mind...

Are we history?  I don't know... Will he even want me back? I don't know.. What if he's never gonna want me back? I wouldn't be surprised... I just wish he'd come back so I could say "I'm sorry, Love.."

But sometimes, sometimes sorry isn't enough, sometimes someone is truly fed up with all the apologies..

Wait what if he's already dead? I wouldn't be able to bear that. "D-Dave we have to find him..." I said as my eyes began to water..

"I know Mike.... I know....." Dave sighed shakily.

Chester's PoV

I don't wanna know what it'd be like to live any longer... Buried in broken dreams I sat down behind a dumpster before taking the small plastic bag out of my pocket...

This is it.

Suddenly every moment off my life seemed to flash in front of me...

"Mom! When I grow Up, I wanna be a rockstar!"

"M-mom? What's wrong?"

"I'm leaving sweetie, You'll live with dad now..."

"D-Dad What are you doing? Ow! That hurts!"

"If it isn't Bennington! The useless waste of space!"

I winced as I cut another scar into my skin "Cmon Chester... stop crying you deserve this..."

"Hey, This time it's free... next time it won't be and trust me there'll be a next time..." a man shoved a small plastic bag with pills in my hand..

"Hi, I'm Mike Shinoda.."

"I-I'm Chester... B-Bennington.."

"I mean... Mike she wasn't worth it.. There are so many people who'd love you..."

"Hey Guys! We're hybrid theory! And this is 'Crawling'!"

"Chester Bennington will you marry me?"

"Yes Mike! Of course I will!"

Cut to now... Here I am... Born alone to die alone. It was so so cold, My skin had this blueness to it, I shivered.. before,

Before I opened the bag of the white powder before taking all of it... I gasped at the sensation...

More memories flashed back of my life... Painful, happy, Painful, happy, Painful, Painful, Painful,


Every memory of Mike shot into my mind.. is this really what I want? Yes! I fucking do! You have to die Chester!

This is it..

My heartbeat picked up to an abnormal speed, which I think caused my chest to hurt.. but it was so weird because my heartbeat was below average before.. I noticed tremors... my nose started bleeding, my body ached before starting seizing..

Everything became black...

Mike's PoV

"We're not gonna find him are we?" I cried a little.. Dave sighed and let teardrops fall on the cold ground  "I don't know..."

Suddenly and ambulance and a police car drove by fast, The sirens repeated..

Dave and I looked at each other, both thinking the same thing...


We both started running towards the direction the ambulance and Police went...

When we got there, the area was surrounded by police tape.. Restricted for people outside of the crime scene..

Dave and I ran towards the paramedic cot... I could barely see the person and a police told us to back off...

However... Everything became a blur once I saw who was on the cot "C-Chester..." I cried out before starting to shake...

His lips were purple, A line of blood from his nose, He looked so fragile and thin... His cheeks hollow and he had dark circles around his eyes..

"P-please I have to-" I stammered, Tears running down my cheeks..

"Sir, I need you to back off unless you have information or are family.." the police wouldn't budge..

"I AM family! He's my husband!" I cried, trying to convince them to let me see him...

I looked over to Dave to see him talking to a different Police..

Eventually they told us to go to the hospital alone instead... Which pissed me off but I had no time to complain about that... I have to see Chester...

Dave and I headed to the hospital before calling the rest of the guys....

We sat in the waiting room before a Doctor walked towards us "you're here for Chester Bennington?" He asked.

I stood up and walked towards him "yeah..." I nodded, the doctor sighed sadly "Chester had hypothermia and he overdosed on cocaine... We managed to get the cocaine out of his system.. mostly. And his hypothermia can be cured.. we just don't know if or when he'll wake up..."

I nodded sadly "can I see him?" I whispered. And the doctor nodded with a sympathetic, sad smile "Yes, follow me.."

I followed him through the white hallways until we entered a room, there he was, fully covered in blankets, a tube intubated into his mouth in order for him to have mechanical ventilation.. I walked towards him slowly before looking at his face... his pale skin under the light in this room, his shut eyes with his beautiful dark eyelashes... I can't believe I threw it all away, and now he's here.. because of me..

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