Chapter 1

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"But we can't have a male and a female in the same cell. We have to send one of them to the main prison building. Both of them have created major crimes. They're gonna get out of this jail cell!!!" I heard the police officer shout into the mouthpiece of the phone.

He was talking to another officer in the main prison where I was to be sent. Now there's some problem and it's completely full and I can't be sent there. And now there's another dude who also created some major crime like I did and he has to be stuffed in here with me.

About ten minutes later another police officer came in with a cute guy. He had messy dark brown hair, his lip and eyebrow were pierced. He locked eyes with me for a few seconds; then smirked as if he knew what I was thinking. But he was dragged away so that he could change into this stupid orange onesie. I don't even like onesies!!!!!!!

After he had changed, he was pushed into the cell by someone else. "Why are we in the same cell again?" I asked, acting like a dumb blonde. I always do that because then they think I'm stupid and don't have as much security surrounding me and it's easier to escape.

"Because there's not much space in the main prison. No funny business in there!!" An officer told me.

"I'm Brody," the boy said, walking up to me. "What's your name?" Making it sound like he was seducing me.

"How does it matter to you?" I asked him, bored already.

"We're gonna be spending a few days in a prison cell together.....thought I should know." He shrugged.

I looked at the officers and they were busy talking to each other. "Are you trying to get out of here?"

"Yeah. Aren't you?" He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"'s too obvious and early, don't you think?" I asked not really interested in what he was gonna say next.

"In a way, it's unexpected." He lifted my chin, forcing me to look into his electric blue eyes.

"In a way." I repeated lazily. I looked down at my feet again.

"Hey!" He shouted way too loudly. He even made the officers' head turn in our direction.

"What?" I asked. Both irritated and surprised.

"I didn't start talking to you for no reason, okay?" His face an inch from mine.

"What is your reason, then?"

He didn't say anything although his features softened.

"Well tell me!!! I'm not just gonna stand here and wait for the rest of eternity!!!" I was getting impatient.

He stood up straight, pulling his face away from mine.

"Um...........I-I think you're c-c-cute?"

"Is that supposed to be a question?" I was sort of surprised at his reason.

"Not really."

"Then, why was it?"

"Stop asking so many questions, will you?" He was irritated.

"No." I replied simply.

"Why do you even want to know, anyway?"

"I'm human and I get curious." I shrugged.

"Well......I just called you kind of cute. Have anything to say to that?" Brody asked me nervously.

I didn't say anything. Instead, I walked up to him, pulled his face close to mine like I was going to kiss him and said, "Not in a million years, Brody."

He smirked. "Or, so you think." He brought his face closer to mine. His eyes bore into mine. He was trying to read my eyes. But it's almost impossible to understand what I'm feeling or thinking.

"Be careful; or you'll be falling for me harder than you can ever imagine." I whispered and pulled my face away from his, taking a few steps back.

"Or will it be the other way round? You're just too scared to stay so close to me that you think you might do something to me because can't resist."

I laughed dryly. "The day I kiss you is the day pigs fly."

"Oh really?"

"That's what just said."

"We'll see about that."

"Oh please. Once we get out of here, we're not gonna see each other, anyway."

He looked at the officers again to make sure they weren't listening. To our surprise, they were still talking non-stop. I don't think we're gonna have trouble with these officers. Brody said, "I thought we are gonna get out together and becomes partners in crime or whatever."

"We both know that that isn't gonna happen."



Hey!!! New author here!! Hope you enjoyed that first chapter. The next chapters are gonna be much more serious than this one. It was just them bonding here. Criminals bond quite easily; at least that's what I have understood since they all have a similar lifestyle. Please comment and tell me what you think. Thank you for reading, next chapter coming soon........

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