Chapter 2

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A/N I realised that that chapter was really really short so I'll try to make this one longer.


"Brody wake up!!!" I whisper-yelled in his ear. The officers had conveniently gone to sleep; they're probably still getting trained. And will be getting fired tomorrow.

He didn't even move. Great!! I'll just leave him here and get out on my own. But something inside me wouldn't allow that. I've left various other criminals in the jail cell in the main prison. But they were all girls. Well, whatever I'll just wake him up.

I clamped my hand over his mouth so that he wouldn't shout and stepped in his hand as hard as I could. His eyes went wide and I felt vibrations on my hand. He wanted to scream but understood the situation and didn't.

I smirked and lifted my foot from his hand and slowly pulled my hand away from his mouth. He stood up and whispered, "What was that for?"

"To wake you up, idiot!"

"Why did you wake me up?"

"To get out of here." God! He asks the most irritating questions ever which he knows the damn answers to.

"How are we getting out exactly?"

I rolled my eyes. "If I woke you up. Don't you think that I would have a plan?"

"What I meant to ask you was what was your plan!"

"Well you didn't so shut the fuck up."

I walked near the bars of the cell, crouched and found the keys in a dusty corner. I got up and walked to the metal door and opened it by putting my hands through to the other side. The door creaked open and the officers stirred but didn't wake up.

I quietly put the keys down on the ground and walked to the changing room. I'm not gonna stay in this stupid orange onesie!!! Just before I closed the door I saw Brody stop right outside the door.

I quickly changed into my black shorts with metal chains and my plain black t-shirt.

I unlocked the door and got out and let Brody in. While he was changing I went to the officers and carefully took out their guns from their belts. By the time I had finished that, Brody had changed into his black jeans and plain black t-shirt. He did look quite good.

I handed him one of the guns and he stuffed it into the waistband of his jeans and I did the same with my shorts.

"Let's go." He said and we walked out of there. It was 3:30am. "What do you want to do?" Brody asked me.

"Find a place to hide for a couple of days, maybe like a house where the family's gone on holiday?"

He nodded. "Lets go to a club for some time. Then by ten, when everyone would've left for school or work, we can shower and steal some money so that we can get fresh clothes?"

"Aren't we supposed to get fresh clothes before we shower?"

"Yeah, yeah. That's what I meant."

"But you didn't-"

"Say it. Yeah, I know." He was getting irritated. But I don't know when to stop irritating people.

"Let's go to the club, then."

We walked for almost a half a mile until we found one. We entered it and it was still full of people; although they were extremely drunk.

On one corner two people were literally pulling their clothes off each other. Oh god, this is why I don't like staying in clubs after 1:00am.

We walked to the counter and I took a seat while Brody ordered drinks for us. The guy poured us some beer and gave it to us. Brody paid him.

"Where did you get that money from?" I asked curiously.

"I stole it from the family I killed. I have £200 in my pockets."

"Is that all you could get?"

"Yeah. How did you end up there anyway?"

"I planted a few bombs in a school and blew it up."

"Oh my god, that was you?!!?? You're all over the news."

"I know. Why did you kill that family."

"They were the nerdiest family ever. They were so strict it made me wanna puke. They convinced my parents not to bail me out while I was jail so I broke out of there and killed them. And now I've ended up here."

"How old are you?"

"19. How about you?"


He nodded. I gulped down the beer remaining in my glass seeing that he had done the same.

"I'm getting bored." I complained.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't with me?" I suggested.

He stood up and grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the dance floor.

"Most guys would offer me their hand and ask politely." I remarked.

"I'm not 'most' guys."

He placed his hands on my waist and I rested mine on his shoulders. We just swayed, paying no attention to the music.

"Hi, excuse me, sir?" Someone called.

Brody turned his head and said,"What?"

"Can I borrow you and your girlfriend for a moment?"

This time we both turned and looked at the more closely. He was an officer. Shit!

I grabbed Brody's arm and ran out of the club, squeezing past the people. I went in a complicated route, trying to piss off as many people as I could.

When we were finally out, he kept staring at me. "What?" I asked.


I know he was thinking about something deep on the inside; I just didn't know what.



Ok that was the second chapter. Longer, right? I hope so. Anyway, I'll probably update chapter 3 after 3-4 days. Thank you for reading!!

When Bad Meets BadHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin