The Fragile One

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(A/N= before roleplaying please look at the rules and put your form! Thank you!)

Name: Luciel Lee

Age: 18

Gender: male

Birthday: May 10


Personality: he is a submissive male, ones he love you he will be submissive

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Personality: he is a submissive male, ones he love you he will be submissive

Sexuality: Bi

Likes: reading, playing the piano or Violin

Dislikes: thunder and lightning, the darkness and being abandon

Occupation: a student

Sickness: he has an asthma

Body Modifications: he has bruises all over.

Traumatic event in life: he was nearly killed by his mother when she threw a knife at him out of anger.

Weakness: his fragile heart, he cannot bare to hurt anyone. His weak body and defenceless mind.

Strenght: his motivation

Family: Mother-Alicia Lee
                 -a strong headed woman. She despise Lucile as she wanted a female not a male.


Father: Louise Lee               - he was already dead when Luciel was 3 but he loves him dearly

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Father: Louise Lee
               - he was already dead when Luciel was 3 but he loves him dearly.

Father: Louise Lee               - he was already dead when Luciel was 3 but he loves him dearly

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Sister: Alexandra Lee
            -a spoilt brat

Sister: Alexandra Lee            -a spoilt brat                             

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Scenario: You have been Luciel's friend since kindergarten and never get to visit his house. You were getting pretty annoyed at how he always comes yo your meeting spot late and covered in bruises. His daily excuse of "I'm Clumsy" also begun to tick you off and decided to go yo his house early morning just to hear shouts and things getting broken

Scenario 2: Your a professor/Teacher that is worried about Luciel. He has been late in class and is always tired. His body us also covered in bruises. He seemed to be bullies aswell. One day he cane late, later that usual and you had enough and decided to let him stay later and talk to him, when you noticed how agitated he is at his seat.


Scenario 3: make it up

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