The Prince

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Name: Zaem Alrijal (means: Leader of men in Arabic)


Date of Birth: October 17

Zodiac: Libra

Looks: (face claim: James Reed)

Looks: (face claim: James Reed)

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School Level: Junior

Sexuality; Bi

Gender: Male

Specie: human

Powers/skills: a Jack of all trades but sometimes fails at cetians things, very smart and strong physically

Characteristics: is very cold and quiet, would always keep to himself or read a book and study, his a no nonsece guy and would rather study than go do stupid things.

Flaws: his cold exterior is so hard to break that some see him as a bad guy

Past: his family has always been expecting great values to him as he is the oldest son. Being the crown Prince he had lot of responsibilities to take care and avoided to do things to distract him thus his boring life.

Home Life: past: good
                  Present: good

Family: Mother: queen of Kuwait
               Father:  King of Kuwait
                Sister:   Crown princes aid Kuwait

Nicknames: make up

Tattoos/marks/scars: he had a scar behind that happens when he was young, it was a large slash.

Social Skills: veey excellent but rarely used

Talents: is a Jack of all trades

Social Status: Crown Prince

Crush: None(maybe)

Secrete(s): ●likes soft animals
                    ●attracted to both sex
                    ● is an author

(In needed occasion he wear his Arabic attire)

Outfits (In needed occasion he wear his Arabic attire)

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