Chapter One

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"Hey! What are you upto?" I chorused as I crept up from behind and wrapped my arms around his neck

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"Hey! What are you upto?" I chorused as I crept up from behind and wrapped my arms around his neck. Nuzzling my nose into the crook of his neck, I stared at the screen of the iPad in his hands.

Sighing, he decided to reply to me. "It's about Zoom,"

"You shouldn't work so hard," I said, and snatched his iPad away.

"Lilian! What do you think you're doing!?" He snapped and turned back to look at me.

I walked around him and made myself comfortable on his lap. After throwing the iPad onto his bed, I snaked my arms around his neck.

"You just disturbed a man at work. Where are your manners!?" He exclaimed as he looked at me.

"You don't have to work 24/7!" I whined. "You have to take a break!"

"This is my job, and there are things that need to be done, young lady!"

I pouted, trying my best puppy face on him.

His effort to gulp unnoticeably, was an absolute failure. "Now hand over... my iPad,"

"No!" I whined again, shifting on his lap. "If you work too hard, you're gonna be tired! And when you're tired, you don't smile or laugh! And when you don't do that, you're no fun! And when that happens, you get seriously pissed off when I annoy you to get your attention!"

"I don't see what's wrong with that," he shrugged. "Isn't it a perfectly reasonable sequence of events?"

"Fine, then," I muttered, caressing his neck. "You can work as long as you promise me that you will allow my skin on yours, for the next 24 hours,"

"What? I have work," he said. "At the lab!"

"That's okay," I smiled as I traced his jawline with my fingers. "No one's gonna see me anyway,"

"But what if I work for the next 23 hours and 55 minutes!?" He smirked, convinced that he got me into a tight position.

I ain't that easy, baby... "I will bite you," I said as I licked my bottom lip.

"I don't see how that behavior deviates from your normal conduct,"

"I will destroy all the work that you spent 23 hours and 55 minutes on," I smiled, deviously.

Harry looked at me and started chuckling. Staring at his heavenly smile, I wasn't bothered by his sarcastic cackle at all.

"You would dare do that to me, young lady?" He raised an eyebrow, with his lips still curled into a smile.

"I don't see why not," I smirked as I looked deep into his ocean blue eyes.

Harry sighed and removed his spectacles. "You know what, Lilian, since when were you convinced that you could boss me- what are you doing!?"

Mm... Satisfying...

"Lilian, who the hell gave you the authority to suck my cheek!?" He exclaimed as his fingers wrapped around the wrist of my hand that was roaming around his hair.

"I know you like it too, Doctor. Stop pretending," I muttered, my lips brushing against the skin at his temples.

He let out a deep breath. He looked around the room, avoiding my gaze, as I moved back onto his cheek.

I twisted my wrist until he decided to loosen his fingers that were wrapped around them. Tracing my fingers along the palm of his hand, I intertwined my fingers with his. I looked into his widened bright blue eyes. The corners of my lips tugged into a genuine smile. The sight of Harry returning my gesture, took me by surprise.

"Lilian," he muttered.

"Yes?" I smiled sweetly.

"Why are you here, trapped in my room, while you can go out and enjoy your life? You're 22. At this age, you're supposed to go around with your friends, date boys, kiss them like there's no tomorrow and then dump them. Why aren't you doing any of that?"

"I'm not normal, doctor,"

"No one's going to find out that you're a meta human. Your powers aren't the kind that give it away," he explained.

"Well, I don't care," I muttered as I meddled with the hem of his sweater. "I think I've found my happy place," I confessed, looking back into his ocean eyes.

My stomach heated up as I gazed at his dazzling smile. I inhaled deeply and slid my arms around his neck once more. Resting my chin on his shoulder, I hugged him tightly. To my surprise, his arms made their way around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

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