Mephisto - Little do you know

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Little do you know
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep

You wiped the tears from your eyes as you sat on the swing, the cold nights air not bothering you at all. Tears dripped onto your thighs as you clenched your fists, squeezed your eyes shut and bowed your head.

Little do you know
I'm still haunted by the memories

It didn't work, you still saw the memories of you two flashing by. Smiling, laughing, as if nothing was wrong. Back when you were clueless to the whole thing. Back when it was simple, back when it was just you and him.

As you stood up and the swing creaked, your heart shattered as you begun to walk back home, unaware of a certain someone watching equally pained.

Little do you know
I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece

A few weeks passed, and you started to get back to normal. You smiled and laughed like you used to. You went drinking with Shura again, everything seemed fine.

"He's an ass!" Shura reminded you. "Damn demon should rot in hell for what he did."

You, shura and yukio were sat by a random tree as the sun beamed down on you all. No matter where you looked there was always reminders and it hurt.

"I know..." you mumbled.
"Hey, I know it hurts. But you just gotta kick yourself up, piece but piece okay? We'll help you." Yukio smiled.

He took your hand in his and gave it a light squeeze, watching you with concern from the corner of his eyes.

Little do you know
I need a little more time

When you woke up you spotted a note under your door, and with a heavy sigh you picked it up, knowing exactly who it was from.

You have me worried, you've not been responding to my calls or texts. I would like to talk if you let me.
I'm sorry
Mephisto <3

"I'm not ready.." you whispered, knowing full well of the demon stood outside your door.

Underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside
I've been holding back
For the fear that you might change your mind

Sinking to the floor, you buried your head in your arms as you heard him walk away. That old familiar feeling crept up on you, that nagging voice begging you to open the door.

He said he wanted to try again, he wanted to make things right but you could never shake the thought of what he had done. He hurt you. He wanted you back now, but what if he changed his mind?

I'm ready to forgive you, but forgetting is a harder fight
Little do you know
I need a little more time

After another week, nearly a month after you and Mephisto broke up, you found yourself in the same park you were at that night. Sat on the swing as you watched the petals float in the wind.

"(Y/N)?" A soft voice called.

Sighing, you ignored it. Only for him to sit on the other swing, his white suit painfully standing out against everything.

"Forgive me?" He asked.

You glanced over, looking at his sad green eyes. He seemed more tired than usual.

"I already have... but I can't forget..." you whispered.

Mephisto nodded and glanced down before turning back to you. Only to find you gazing up at the sky.

I'll wait, I'll wait
I love you like you've never felt the pain, I'll wait

He stood up, walked in front of you and took your hands in his. Making you look at him, there was a small smile on his lips, showing off his sharp teeth.

"I.. I'll wait. I promise, I love you like never before."

You blinked, trying to ignore your beating heart and the voices that say forgive him. To hug him, kiss him.

I promise, you don't have to be afraid, I'll wait

"And if it happens again...?" You asked sadly, tears clouding your eyes.
"I promise my love, you don't have to be afraid. Never again, I don't want to loose you for good."

You bit your lip and looked down at your hands in his. He held them so gently, his thumb ran across your knuckles.

Love is here, and here to stay
So lay your head on me

Standing up, you rested your head against Mephistos white suit, breathing in his familiar scent as you held his hands in yours.

"I'm here my love, I'm not going anywhere..." he mumbled in your ear, resting his head on yours.

Closing your eyes, a few tears escaped, you were hurt and he knew it.

When you pulled away, you let your hands fall from his as you made your way back home. A whole new set of emotions washing over you.

Little do you know
I know you're hurt while I'm sound asleep

As you headed back home, mephisto went to his own place. Instantly heading for the bed. Closing his eyes, he found it sickening how easy he could sleep knowing that you're hurt and wide awake.

Little do you know
All my mistakes are slowly drowning me

Even in the morning, when he woke up well rested he couldn't help but gaze at the photo of you on his work desk.

Every time he so much as glanced at it, the memories of what he'd done came back. They crashed down on him and weighed him with guilt even more. Him, the great Mephisto, a demon king, finally realised what being human really felt like.

Little do you know
I'm trying...

He jumped from his chair and in a puff of pink smoke was outside yours with some flowers. He knocked on the door and waited with a smile, eyes brightening when you opened it.

He was trying... and he'd keep trying until he won you back, and this time he'd treat you right

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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