The White Wolf Part 1

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..... They were was running through the forest the darkness had almost consumed them. They thought they had escaped until they were tackled to the ground. " Ahhhhhh!!!"
24 HOURS EARLIER. Ella was cooking in her dad's Restaurant Called "the Grand Cafe" Waiter 1: "Order up! Table 5 Omelet and extra bacon"
" ok Im almost down with theres," she said while Wiping the sweat off her head She Rushed along the smokey kitchen grab a batch of stuffed sugar patties as she proceeds to finish the omelet "here you go!" She said as she passed the play to the waiter 6 a few hours later she finished her shift. Employee 1: "Later Ella" they said as they were walking out "Byeee" She changed into her favorite polka dot blouse and black heels someone walked in "Sorry we are clo-" She was stopped by a gorgeous looking man "Umm are you guys closed" he seemed disappointed "N-Ni i-I mean No i still have time to take your order" she could barely even speak by the sight of him. " Ok great" as he said with his eyes lighting up in joy "ok what Would you like to have?"He studied the Menu "Umm A Stuffed sugar Patty and the veggie soup" " Ok coming right up" 15 mins later as she walks back into the room and hands him his bag of food

"ok Um that is $10.87" "Ok" he pulls out his wallet and hands her. 100 dollar bill hundreds of dollars Keep the change" he said looking into her eyes with a smirk on his face " Ok thanks but this is not necessary" she said he giggled a little and said " it is i can tell you are a hard worker" "That is was she said!" He erupted with laughter "your funny" he said with a smile on his face before he walked out she asked "what's your name? Just in case i can let my staff know you pay lot" Ella Looked through her purse and grabbed her cell phone He grabbed her phone and put his number and gave it to her she turned around and put her phone in her purse and turned around and he disappeared Into Thin Air "were did he go?" She locked up the restaurant and drove home as she locked her flopped on her couch she looked at her coffee table and Saw a pile of bills pay " ugh! I hate bills" she picked one up it said water past due: $750.

Nope, I'll pay it later" she said when she turned on the Tv. Meanwhile, Two young girls were training Girl 1: Says a spell and the other girl Went flying into the air and kept her there
"Put MEE DOWNNN!!!!!!" Then The Wolf pack walked up to her the alpha stepped forward "We need to talk" he sounded Furious the leader of the coven stepped out of the Shadows and step towards the alpha " Why are you bringing your pack on our side of the forest you know the rules" the alpha smirked and looked at her he said "Yes I know the rules but that didn't stop my mate from allowing your son to live in our house so don't come to me and talk about rules I need to speak to you in private" The women Looked Angry like she was going to explode "Fine! Follow me" he followed her leaving his pack behind they both walked into a kinda dark room She spoked with a tone in her voice "What did you want to talk about?" "I wanted to tell you that one of my Wolfs spotted Adam" "Adam? What about him?" She seemed concerned
"He...." "He what?!" But before he could answer Paige walked into the room all "umm Alpha something is going on outside come hurry!!" He rushed outside and saw attacking his pack the werewolves were fighting back. What is going on he thought the hunters started to throw wolfsbane Some of the wolfs were getting very injured Alpha told his pack to retreat if they couldn't find "RETREAT! RETREAT!" but some wolves were fighting pack one of them attacked one of the hunters and broke their neck one of the hunters Shot the wolf with a silver bullet"ahh" he fell to the ground the alpha was shocked "Noo!!!" Two other wolves started to fight back but they were no match for the weapons that the hunters had and they were killed finally The Witches were able to fend off the Hunters and the Wolves retreated back to their part of the woods they Entered the Packhouse as soon as it entered everyone was in shock and started to help the injured the alpha went to his office and closed the door he started to Pace around the room "What am i going to do I can't do this i can't let them down!" Paige knocked on the door "it's open!" Paige entered the room closed the door behind her "Are you ok Alpha?" She stepped towards him looking into his eyes "y-yes im ok don't you have something to do with your gay friend?" She looked at him with hurt in her eyes "It does not matter if you're my alpha you still don't have to be an ass!" He looked at her with a smirk "You need to work on your temper" "Bite me!" "Gladly!" Paige just looked at him and walked out of the room without a word Chuckled "she is something else" yelled from the hallway "kiss my dick!" "I would love to!" Yelled in the hallway as he heard the door slam "that was she said!" Wolfs erupted with laughter she stuck her finger at him. Meanwhile at Bella's house (total forgot about her won't happen again maybe) Ella just step out of the shower she started to scroll through Instagram and saw a bunch of shirtless pictures of Adam but the pictures seem Odd "meh maybe im just looking to hard" she heard a noise coming from the kitchen she continued to get dressed and hesitated to step out her room "hello? Is anyone there i have pepper spray" she got closer to the kitchen the noise started to get louder and she couldn't believe what she saw Adam sucking the blood out of a rabbit she was shocked but at the same time confused "wait w-what" Adam was shocked to see her " wait, Ella, i can explain" but before he could explain she threw glass out his head "owww! And she runs out he started to chase after her

*This story was helped created by Yaoi1Ships go check her out

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