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The Fire Costumed us or so it felt like it
Nick was sobbing he had a few Burn marks he knew how his soft i was "No Hang on kai, please" he said with tears coming down his face I held his hand I knew if i was going to die with him "Kai, please don't die on me" my lungs were filling with smoke "i-I can't breath" the ceiling started to collapse
One was about to fall on us but Nick put a shield on us The fire grew stronger and it covers the room but Nick continued to hold the shield but i felt energy or power i can't explain it but i felt powerful and...

Ella POV

The church just about to explode when nick and Kai were floating in mid-air and landed in front of us Paige raced over to them she checked on Kai mostly she helped Kai up " omg i thought you die" she almost cried Then she started to choke him "why the hell would you do that to me" Adam and i had to stop her "calm down ok" Adam said while pulling her away "ok ok i won't hurt him" he let go I think Paige has problems (you think!) "Ok we sh-" Then The Witch's came they looked shocked and horrified "Omg what happened to the church!?!! Who did this!?!?" One Woman yelled Kai stepped forward and said: "We don't know and who are you to be giving demands my mom is the Leader of this coven so show respect!" The women Claimed her voice "sorry" I stepped forward and they looked at me "omg is that the white wolf?!" They bowed "umm that's not necessary" a Smoke bomb rolled in front of us Nick yelled "smoke!!!!" It went off I couldn't breath "a-Adam" Adam reached for me then got shot to the ground then Nick and Kai So did Paige I felt something pinch my neck and everything went dark i woke up In a Darkroom and i tried to move i couldn't i looked at my arms they were tied down I don't know was is going on i tried to stay quiet but i soon has i saw someone walk by i just yelled "HELP HELP!!! HELP!!!!" But i soon regretted it the person that passed by stopped and open the door it was dark i couldn't see there face until they stepped into the light it was a man "please help me!" I looked at his shirt it said "Hunters!?" I soon realized who he was "omg let me go!" He chuckled and he rubbed his hand on my face "your face is soft i wonder what your lips taste like" he perked his lips and his lips got closer and closer then she kicked him in his nuts and he fell to the ground

She stud up and hit the chair on the wall and it broke she took off the ropes she walked up to him and said
"Kiss on that" she walked out and locked the door she ran and saw a steel door and she looked through the peephole and saw Adam getting burned by the sun he was scream he wanted it to stop then everything went dark her eyes turned white and she kicked down the door the man was shocked before he could grab his gun Ella walked up to him and ripped out his heart and his lifeless body dropped to the ground she dropped the heart Adam looked at her

"E-Ella what" she untied him and he fell to the floor

"Can you walk?" Her voice changed
He looked away from her

"N-No" he sighed she nodded and picked him up he was really surprised she carried him and they saw Kai Being Hit over and over

Ella looked at the other door and saw Paige yelling Ella opened Paige's door untied her she smiled and opened the door to the room Kai was in and the guy was a vampire he kissed Kai and licked the blood off his lip

Paige yelled "hey!" He turned around facing her "you may be like sucking people's blood but that dip of his blood taken away from him will cost u a lot she says a spell and he started to cough up a lot of blood " and also get some sun" one of the sun shutters opened on him and he caught on fire he started to ran around and he fell to the ground kai ran to Paige and hugged her "thank you so much I love you" smelled him a little and her eyes widened Kai looked at her with concern "is everything ok?" She quickly fixed her face and smiled "yea everything is ok now let's get out of here " everyone walked out seeing a bunch of people dead then they saw wear wolfs the wolf's started to circle around them Ella put Adam down next to Kai Paige and Ella guarded them Ella and Page looked at each other and they fought the wolf's Paige made one of them hit a tree Ella punched and kicked them one tried to bite her but she closed its mouth and tried to hold it Paige grabbed it off of her and stabbed it then dropped it she helped Ella up "are you ok?"

"Yeah, im fi-" she saw wolf about to Kai and Adam Paige ran over there out of nowhere, a Truck was about to hit Paige and Ella ran trying to move her out the way Kai and Adam yelled


To Be Continued

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