Chapter 5

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This chapter is now rewritten


The sting of her injured feet jolted Y/n from her deep slumber, a rude awakening as the pain shot through her feet. With a forceful blink, she reluctantly opened her eyes, greeted by the soft glow of afternoon light filtering into her room.



Panic surged within her as she realized the lateness of the hour.

"Afternoon?" she muttered incredulously, her heart pounding in her chest.

Y/n scrambled to disentangle herself from the sheets, her movements frantic with urgency. But her haste only led to calamity as she crashed to the floor with a resounding thud, her injured feet bearing the brunt of the impact. Agony pulsed through her, a sharp reminder of her recent mishap. Seems like panic and pain were definitely not the best of friends, and certainly did not go hand in hand.

The bandaged foot was hurt, igniting with a fiery sensation akin to a swarm of needles and bee poison. Yet amidst the chaos of pain and panic, Y/n failed to pause and consider the cause of her wounds or the identity of her unseen caregiver who bandaged them in the first place.

Instead, she berated herself mercilessly, each thought a sharp lash of condemnation.

"I'm such an idiot," she muttered through gritted teeth, oblivious to the irony of her self-criticism.

In her panicked state, she envisioned the dire consequences awaiting her. Chris, undoubtedly furious, would mete out punishment with unrelenting severity. She would strip her of everything she had worked so hard to achieve, leaving her destitute and alone-

A wave of hysteria threatened to overwhelm her, but with a shaky breath, Y/n fought to regain her composure.

"Oh, I need to calm down," she whispered, slapping her forehead in frustration and frantically fanning her flushed face.

She sank onto the edge of her bed, her gaze fixed anxiously on her feet. This is the second occasion she would be late, and by a few hours no less. Last time she was late a couple minutes, and that already bought so much anger on Chris's part and embarrassment to her end, and this time she's hours late! The weight of her stupidity bore down on her, amplifying her worry. She heaved a sigh.

As she scrutinized her feet, a realization dawned upon her with startling fear. She swallowed nervously. It was the first time she had properly examined the aftermath of the previous night's events. A flush of embarrassment swept over her as she suddenly remembered everything, mingling with the remnants of panic that still lingered.

"What an idiot," she whispered to herself, channeling her best Hermione Granger voice with a wry twist of self-mockery.

The memory flooded back with relentless force, each detail vivid and unyielding. Free's intense gaze, burning with a fervor she couldn't quite understand , remained etched in her mind. What secrets lay hidden behind those piercing brown eyes? It was a question that gnawed at her, igniting a wildfire of curiosity within her soul.

Yet, beneath the allure of his somewhat bipolar presence, lurked an unsettling feeling—a magnetic repulsion akin to the meeting of polar opposites. It was a contradiction she couldn't quite understand, a perplexing blend of attraction and aversion that left her dreading with her own emotions.

Y/n couldn't shake the memory of Free's seductive lulling voice, his nonchalant drawl, and the undeniable allure of his unconventional beauty. His eyes, initially appearing dull, held a depth she couldn't quite fathom—a mysterious pool of secrets waiting to be unraveled. The sensation of his strong arms carrying her lingered, leaving her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

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