Believe In Yourself

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I've had some tantrums of saying "I can't do this! This is to hard!" When I was a kid, and comparing my self to everyone else and saying, "I can't do it! I'll never be able to do that!" My parents always set me down and said

"Look Nick. Yes there are things that you can't do, but don't say I can't do it. Ask your self how can I do it."

You know there's ways around it. You can get from one side of the mountain to another, but you don't just have to walk over it. Maybe you can, go underneath it, or around it. There's always ways in achieving the same goal.

The way that I've achieved in my life, doesn't always look the same for everyone else. But they key to my success was that I believed in myself. If someone else could do something, I could try and work out how.

It starts with believing in yourself.

Words Of Nick VujicicWhere stories live. Discover now