Chapter 1: The cursed immortal.

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Issei P.O.V.

While I was looking around the club room I noticed a book case. While looking through the tittles I stumbled across a book by the name of The Cursed Immortal. I opened it to the first page noticing it was a diary of some sort.

Britain countryside July of 1842:

There's a rumour that there was a so called monster around these parts that people fear. I'm going to prove them wrong. That the monster isn't real.

It was a days hike to get up this mountain to get to the supposed monsters location. As I got to the top I noticed a cave and a noise was coming from inside it was a kind weeping sound.

As I entered the cave there was meat every where cooked and raw. As I ventured deeper I came across a boy who was weeping. When I tried to reach for him, he disappeared.

At first I was scared but soon it subsided. The boy reappeared with a happy face. I asked him where his parents were but he said he didn't have any. Then he asked me why I was here for. I responded with "I'm looking for the supposed monster that lives up in these mountains".

The thing that shocked me was when the boy said he was the monster. At first I laughed but I felt it, the feeling of dread, despair and anger coming from the boy and it was at this point that I believed him to be the monster.

I asked why he was a monster. He said he will tell me his life up to this point of meeting me. He told me that he lived many lives all different. He's most memorable life was when he served as a captain in Liones back in the 5th century. At first I thought he was mad but he showed me his memories. It was like I was seeing through his eyes and the events that transpired for him.

Back to Issei:

So I decide it was boring to read this dairy I decided to skip to the end the end.

Britain countryside March 1876:

It's been almost 34 years since I met the boy Meliodas. As of right now I'm on deaths door writing this entry.

Last year I went back to the cave that I met Meliodas but when I got there, their was nothing, no sign of him, I looked around the cave till I stumbled across a note that was written sometime ago.

"Sir Edward:
If you got this note it means I have left for a different land, it was nice meeting you but my time in this land is over. I shall head to a new land where I'll be able to start over.
From Sir Meliodas"

I had wished to see him one final time before my passing but I guess it wasn't meant to happen.

Ps. If who is reading this there is a sketch of the boy Meliodas on the next page and if you ever see him please give him my diary.

Back to Issei.

As turned the page it show a young boy with no shirt, rip pants and black marking going from his face down to his leg.

As turned the page it show a young boy with no shirt, rip pants and black marking going from his face down to his leg

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???: So you found that old Diary huh Issei.

Me: *turns around to see Kiba* Oh you mean this. *holds up the diary* Then yeah, but do you think it was real.

Kiba: I don't know, in the world where supernatural beings exist, he might or might not be real.

(To be continued)

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