Chapter 8: Cry

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the first part is smut so I put a (-) at the end for those who don't want to read it. The photo is the picture reader takes on the ride to the restaurant. Also shit's about to go down so get ready to have your hearts destroyed. -Kat
Soft gasps and pants filled the room, the sheets long forgotten at the bottom of the bed. Sav's long curly hair spread out on the soft white sheets around his face, his jaw dropped as he let out a soft moan. His hands on your hips as you grind yourself on his cock.
"Fuck, love, you feel so tight."
You let out a soft giggle as you leaned down kissing a trail down his neck.
You sat back up and continued to ride him, something different. He was used to taking control, and you were okay with that, but sometimes it was nice to watch him turn to putty in your hands. You tossed your head back and let out a groan as you started to speed up, bouncing in his lap.
"Oh god, (y/n)." He squirmed.
He couldn't take it anymore, not having control. He quickly flipped you over, pushing you up against the bed frame, throwing your legs over his shoulders, and pushed into you with full eye contact. His blonde hair falling into his eyes but you still could see his beautiful ocean color full of lust. You tossed your head back letting out a loud moan. He continued to push in and pound into you still keeping eye contact.
You couldn't control yourself, you never could when he looked at you like that, full of want, need, lust. You came with a loud cry as he followed not far behind biting down on his favorite spot on your neck.
The two of you laid next to each other breathing heavy. Once Sav caught his breath, he laid on his side, resting his head on his hand, smiling and looking at you. He used his other hand to push the hair out of your eyes.
"I was thinking I'd take you out tonight, take you somewhere nice for dinner."
You frowned.
"I was planning going out..."
He gave a sigh, looking away from your gaze. You immediately felt guilty.
"...with Andy..." you spoke softly.
"(Y/n)..." Sav said almost in a whisper.
"I'm sorry it's just, I haven't seen him in years and now he's here and-"
"I understand that love, but you're finally here after months. You're here and you feel so far away. I miss you." Sav whispered the last three words.
You felt like the worst person on earth.
"How about this? I'll cut my plans with him short. Let's go out for dinner, spend some time together like we used to? Andy'll understand." You smiled.
"Sounds great, love." He gave a small smile in return. He was still upset. You could tell.
Sav reached over giving you a kiss on the forehead then slid out of bed.
"Shower?" He smirked.
You gave a big smile back, quickly jumping out of bed and following him to the bathroom.
"Am I being to clingy? I feel guilty. She hasn't seen him in years. I was only away from her for months. Maybe I-" Joe cut him off immediately.
"I'm gonna stop you right there, mate. You're her boyfriend. You're allowed to miss her. Plus you brought her out here to be with her. You should be with her."
The two best friends were laying down next to each other on Joe's bed talking, something they needed sometimes. With how fast life is, sometimes they just need to sit down and let it all out.
"I'm not upset she brought her friend, it's completely fine. She would always get so lonely cause I'm usually away for most of the day. I just wish her plans wouldn't run so late especially on our days off." Sav sighed.
"Hey mate, I don't mean to repeat myself or anything but maybe you should finally take my advice and talk to her." Joe replied putting an arm around his friend.
"I did, kinda. We're going for dinner tonight. Just the two of us." Sav smiled.
"There ya go! That's great!" Joe smiled. "I told ya Sav, communication is key." Joe seemed to slowly frown at his own words.
This didn't go unnoticed.
"I'm really sorry things have been rough with you and Karla." Sav looked up to his friend.
"We're trying to make things work." Joe gave him a soft smile. "I'm glad you have someone that makes you so happy."
Sav sat up and looked down at his friend. "You deserve someone the same."
Joe sat up with him. "Yeah well, hopefully things work out in the end."
Sav smiled. "They always do." He reached over and gave Joe a big hug. "It's gonna be okay."
Joe smiled. "Love ya mate. Don't tell anyone I said that. I'll look soft."
Sav let out a laugh. "Love ya too. I should get going. You gonna be okay?"
"Please, I'll be fine. Go have a great night with your girl."
Sav opened the door and looked back at his best friend and smiled. "Thanks Joe."

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