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There are many types of people, each shaped by their own unique set of experiences. By their own choices as well as circumstances beyond their control, some have seen happy times, while other have suffered miseries, and many more have seen a spectrum of both. And every now and again, there are those whose experiences are so unimaginable, either good or bad, and are so far beyond our own scope of reality that we struggle to comprehend how those who experienced them managed to become who they are. For those whom these experiences were good, we stand in awe of them, wishing we could be among the few to experience such things. For those who have seen the worst, horrors that our minds simply cannot comprehend, we pity them, and fear them, for often they did nothing to bring such tortures down upon themselves, and they are a reminder that nothing we do can safeguard us from the unpleasantness of life, just as nothing can guarantee us happiness.

I was able to witness two such people, who were able to find great happiness after great suffering, because when chance provided them the slimmest opportunity to seek something better, they took it, and succeeded with it. To me, they are a reminder that, even though we may not be able to guarantee happiness, or avoid sadness, pain, or fear, the one thing we can ensure is unhappiness if we do not try to live.

-Hanaso Naroko

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