Chapter Four

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It took him a little under an hour to find his way back to the ship. He was a little lost for a while, being in a foreign country surrounded by people who didn't speak English. By the time he did, it was evening. Richard was nowhere to be found. He looked everywhere naturally, not wanting to get in trouble.

He had no idea what he was supposed to do with himself for a moment. He was hungry. Despite the delicious cinnamon bun he had earlier today his stomach was yet again growling at him and demanding substance. Thinking about that only made him think about Arthur for some reason, and that only made his thoughts swirl.

No. Not right now. Alfred was going to go get food now. Maybe Yao will be down there and he could get some extra beef.

His boots clacked silently as he walked down the dock. It was quiet. The only men on the deck where two men climbing up in the mast, tending to the sails. They shouted orders at each other and one would laugh at the other when they slipped up. Alfred couldn't imagine having to work so high up, his life in so much danger, every day.


Standing next to the door to the floors below was Allistor, his flaming red hair gleaming in the sunset. He seemed to be relaxing, his back leaning against the wood and a bottle in his hand. His eyes met Alfred immediately. His eyes resembled green fields and trees rather than jewels.

"Hey, lad. Wouldn't go in the mess hall right now if I were you." Allistor said, chuckling. Something seemed moderately funny to him. He took another swig of the bottle and grunted in the distaste of alcohol.

"Why?" Alfred asked, frowning at his already extended hand, reaching for the brass door handle.

"If you wanna see what a gangbang is like firs' hand then by all means, be my guest," Allistor said humorlessly. He smirked at the look of utter horror on Alfred's face. The poor American could feel his breakfast coming back up his throat.

They were doing what?? Oh God, he hated pirates. "
That's disgusting!" He blurted out, but it only made Allistor laugh harder as he pushed himself off the wall.

"Oh, but not all of us think so. There's some o' them men who do this every time we make port. They usually do this in someone's room, but I think they've attracted a bigger crowd tonight." Allistor said. Alfred had to stop himself from subconsciously lifting a hand to his mouth to stop oncoming vomit. Just picturing it made his insides curl. It was worse once Alfred remembered he had been threatened with the very same thing a week ago. That could've been him down there screaming for mercy in the midst of a humiliating and slow death.

"Blimey, yer reaction makes me wager ya might' be a virgin." Allistor jokes. Alfred squeaked at the word and wondered whether or not he should retreat to his room. Then again, Allistor didn't tell him where in the ship that was taking place.

"Shut up!" Alfred yelled, turning bright pink. It was ultimately embarrassing how close to the truth it was. It was the truth. He was a virgin. He'd only ever kissed girls and stuff. That was it. His sexual activities were only just a big list of snogging, but he didn't want Allistor to know that! Or worse. Arthur.

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