Chapter 15

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Rami drove us to a quaint little part of town. A long street flanked with clothing boutiques, small eateries and little galleries on either side. He parallel parked and then opened the door for me. "The gallery down there." He said pointing down the street. "It has a lot of mediterranean art. I'm drawn to it. There is even a local Egyptian artist who brings in her portraits and sculptures. I'd love to show you." He said taking my hand in his. I reached for his hand and let him pull me out of the car.

I followed him down the sidewalk past a chocolate shop with caramel apples displayed in the window and an African store full of wooden sculptures next door. Soon we stood in front of the art gallery he wanted to show me. Rami pushed through the heavy wooden door in front of us and a bell chimed as we walked inside. "Hello. Welcome." A woman with a thick accent greeted us. "Good afternoon, Angeline." Rami responded with a smile. "I brought a friend along to show her some of your works." He explained as he nodded in my general direction. I smiled at the woman before us. Her thick curly hair was pulled back into a thick ponytail. Her cheeks flushed with blush and some charcoal paints resided on her face as well. "Oh perfect timing, you caught me creating!" She snickered as she attempted to organize her workspace and swipe at her face simultaneously. I felt Rami place his hand on my lower back protectively. "Mind if we have a look around?" Rami pressed. "Oh sure!" Angeline threw her arms up into the air. "Peek and walk around my loves." She smiled at us warmly. She went back to her creations as we took a stroll down the art space.

Rami led me first to a sculpture scene made of clay. It reminded me of the nativity except Egyptian gods and pharaohs were prominent. It was beautiful. Flecks of gold peppered the pieces. A sculpture of Anubis captured my eye. He was my favorite. Since jackals were often seen in cemeteries, the ancient Egyptians believed that Anubis watched over the dead. That always intrigued me. Rami saw me eyeing the piece. He picked it up and pressed it into my hands. "Would you like this?" I smiled widely. Then I flipped the sculpture over to reveal its price. "$250?!" I shrieked. I shied away and gently placed the object back. Rami picked it up again. "I saw the way you looked at it. If it speaks to you, it should belong to you." He prompted. I took the sculpture back into my hands. "I do really like it." I mulled over it once more.

Rami took my free hand as I continued to ponder over the piece in my other hand. "Look!" He nudged me in the rib softly. I looked up and saw the wall in front of me plastered with black and white photography. I felt my jaw drop. "These are beautiful." I whispered not wanting to disturb the sacred space. The photographs looked vintage and they told stories of the past. The wrinkles in the faces. The facial expressions. It was beautiful. It was like hearing a secret. The ancestors of Rami's family and his past. "I always get one for Mama." He shared. "Which one should I get this time?" He asked me eagerly. I took a step back and placed my hand over my heart. I was in awe. After scanning the photographs once more my eyes landed once again on my favorite one. It was an old woman sitting by some firewood. She sat on the ground. Her white hair held back with a printed handkerchief. Her mouth open and wide as if caught in the middle of her laughing at something incredibly funny. I could hear her laughter through the photograph. Her smile lines prominent. The wrinkles around her eyes telling me stories of her happy past and long lived life. I pointed at it. "That one!" I exclaimed. "Very well." Rami nodded with a smile. He took note of the portrait's name to tell the artist. "Dalilah." The prints were $45 a piece. They were printed in a larger format. Since they weren't originals they were a bargain Rami explained to me.

We walked back to the front of the shop and to Angeline. "I see you've found gifts?" She said looking at Anubis carefully nestled in my arms. I beamed with a deep nod. "And I'd like another print. Dalilah." Rami said. "For Mom." He added with a wink. "Very well. I will get it for you. Great choice!" Angeline responded with enthusiasm. She carefully wrapped up Anubis for me. She returned with a beautiful fresh print of the photograph for Rami and rung us up. I looked at the register. It only said $150. I looked at Rami imploringly. Angeline must have read the confusion on my face. "A discount!" She exclaimed. "For my favorite customer." She smiled at Rami. Then she looked at me. "So very nice to meet you. About time Mr. Rami found a nice girl." She winked at me with a small smirk. I caught Rami flushing next to me. "Thanks Angeline! See you soon." He mumbled before reaching for my hand and rushing me out the door.

Once outside Rami asked me what I wanted to do next. "We have about an hour to kill before dinner at Mom's." He said. "How about some coffee?" I asked pointing towards the tiny cafe across the street. "Sure." He said with a nod. We crossed the street, our purchases in tow, our free hands laced together.

Inside Rami ordered a small black coffee. No cream or sugar. I went with a hot chai tea with almond milk and cinnamon. We took our orders outside. Beneath the trellis adorned in red roses we sat in the shade. There was a cool breeze that greeted us nicely as we sipped on our drinks. Rami brought his cup to his mouth for another sip. Then he nudged my hand with his. "Nervous?" He asked me now. He had noticed my fidgeting in my seat I guessed. Well I had been jiggling my foot underneath of the table for a good two minutes. I shrugged. "Maybe?" I finally revealed. "Don't be." He said as he looked at me with a serious expression. His sunglasses had slipped down his nose a little. His eyes pierced through mine. I felt my heartbeat quicken. Then he placed his large hand over mine. "You'll be fine. Mom will love you. My sister will adore you! And you already met Sami." Rami's voice boomed with excitement. He sat up in his seat but he kept his hand covering mine. I felt myself relax slightly. "If you say so." I murmured.

After chatting for what felt like only a few minutes an hour had passed. Rami noticed the time on his watch and shot up then. "Let's go. On to Mom's!" Rami said as he walked over to me and took my empty coffee cup to toss into the trash. I was still sitting. He kissed me on top of my head before patting my hair softly. "It'll be OK. You'll be with me." His raspy voice wafted close to my ear. That was all I needed to hear. A boost of confidence brought me to my feet. And with a spring to my step I followed Rami back to his car.

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