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(Geno's Pov)
Yawning I waved away Sans worried glance and got up from the couch with a stretch. After watching TV for so long I was ready for sleep. Already the moonlight was peeking through the windows of the home.

Heading up the stairs to my room I brushed my fingertips against the wooden frame, the home was created to look almost the exact same as in the underground, only with a few extra rooms for me and other guests that might come.

It had been years since the underground was freed, and years since Sans, Papyrus and Frisk helped me in leaving the save screen. However even though I was healed sometimes the wound on my chest would reopen, as if to remind me that I still was in danger of dying at any moment.

Sighing as I shook my head my glitches moving to cover my melted eye, It felt more comfortable to have them there than to have people look at me in horror. Though I couldn't control the ones that would cover a few different parts of my body. Opening my door I smiled at the room. It was sparse. A bed, a dresser and a few things strewn around here and there. It was homely, but saddening that for so long I didn't have this.

Clutching at the red scarf I wore I walked over to my bed and flopped onto it, letting myself sink into the soft bedding as I closed my eye sockets. Letting out a slow breath I let the noises from downstairs and outside lull me into a comfortable sleep.

I opened my eyes and looked around, Everything was black except for the white rectangle that glowed in the distance. I knew I was dreaming, I only ever visited the save screen in my dreams. In my memories. Looking down I saw the blood on my slippers, touching my chest I removed my hand that was now covered in the blood of my old wound. A soft sigh escaping my lips I scuffed my slipper against the black ground and walked forwards towards the screen, wondering which memory my dream wanted me to relive. Would it be a nightmare this time? I hated the ones that showed me my worst possible memories. Of My Papyrus dying, Of me almost dying. Of what I almost did to this universe. Of course now I knew, there were other versions of this universe. We were part of a Multiverse, and I was a 'living' example of it.

Finally reaching the screen I touched it feeling the cold white glow washing over me as the white turned to colour and I was viewing...something? This wasn't one of my memories.

This wasn't even my underworld. I was looking down at the scenery, It was gorgeous, vibrant greens and blues and reds and purples littered the ground and in the center was a white figure cladded in a mint coloured dress. They seemed to be talking to someone who stayed in the shadows, but I couldn't hear anything, I could only view from through the screen, just like back then. Shivering as if a sudden breeze came through I grabbed onto my scarf and continued watching as the scene seemed to finish and the screen faded back to white.

Taking in a shaky breath and releasing it slowly I stared at the screen, trying to force it to show me more, but nothing came and turning around my eye widened, my eye light blinking red and blue. Gaster stood in front of me, towering over me as if I was a bug. And honestly, it terrified me. I had forgotten about him, wanting to forget about what he almost got me to do, to join him in an empty place. Stepping backwards I tripped and instead of the screen catching me, I felt myself fall through it, a scream passing my lips as I flailed trying to stop myself from falling.

Then I was on the ground, the vibrant green of the grass tickling my skull as I stared wide eyed at the sky, still in shock. This was a dream..right?

(Reaper's Pov)
Me and life both heard it. The scream of terror from above that seemed to have come from nowhere. Life only had enough time to grow a thick cushioning of grass before the person...Skeleton! fell onto the ground. Neither of us dared approach the stranger. This was the gods realm, no one but a god could enter this place, yet here was this...mortal. I'm not even sure if they were mortal or not. They seemed like they were glitching, part of their skull hidden behind the glitches, and red seemed to spread across their white shirt and jacket, matching the colour of their scarf.

Me and life looked back at each other, neither of us speaking. Who knew what they could do, or who they were even. And then, they started to slowly sit up, clutching their skull in confusion perhaps. I could already tell, they were smaller than me, their jacket seeming a size or two to big on their slimmer frame as they looked around. Both me and life were behind the stranger. They didn't seem to want to get up, maybe they were more hurt than originally thought. I could feel their soul shaking, quivering in anticipation of death. But before I could even move to do my job I heard them speak.

(Geno's Pov)
"This...This isn't the save screen. What, Is this place?" Talking to myself helped me calm down as I rested a hand on my chest and took in a slow breath, holding it as my heartbeat went back to normal. "Okay..this has to be a dream...I'm imagining this all right now! And...and all I need to do is give myself a pinch or a good slap...then I'll wake up. Yeah...that'll work."

Readying myself for what I was about to do I raised my arm and slapped myself. Hard. Everything went fuzzy and before I knew it...I was back at home in my own bed. It was all a dream. One crazy bizarre dream that piqued my curiosity.

(Reaper's Pov)
Me and life watched, not daring to move a muscle as the stranger spoke to them self, talking about a save screen. Of course neither of us knew what they were talking about, such a thing didn't exist in our realm. But it caused me to be interested. Was that how they got here?

Before I could even ask them what they were talking about Right then and there they slapped them self, and...disappeared. That's when life ran over in a panic thinking he had killed himself, I think it was a he by the voice. But she looked at me confused. "There's nothing here. No dust. They are just gone."

I stared at her in disbelief, had they really come here through their dream? How was that even possible! There was some investigating I needed to do.


Hello everyone and welcome to the first chapter of the story! All of the art that will be shown is drawn by me. I am figuring out that I need a picture to help with developing the story, whether it be with this one. Or my other story.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter though! The next one I want to focus solely around Reaper and how he reacts to what has just happened.

Sweet dream or Nightmare? (Afterdeath Story)Where stories live. Discover now