Are these really Dreams?

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(Geno's Pov)
The rest of the night had been dreamless for me as I finally woke up and looked outside. It must be almost noon, I must've been really tired. Stretching I got out of bed and wandered down to the kitchen, I was going to make myself some food before Papyrus took notice that I was awake. Don't get me wrong, he was a great guy...but his cooking was a different matter.

Opening the fridge I sighed at seeing all the leftover spaghetti, before reaching in and grabbing the eggs and milk. It was omelette time! Luuckily with the fact that my um...height was so different from Pap's the kitchen was split, Pap had his half, tall counters, tall everything. And I had mine that allowed me to cook without the need of a chair to stand on.

Once I finished making my food I sat down to eat. The house was quiet, Sans must still be asleep, and Papyrus was probably out till dinner time. It was a nice kind of silence though, not the silence that made your head hurt like in the save screen. Thinking about the save screen as I went over and cleaned up my dishes I couldn't help but feel as if something had changed since I had been there...There was no other way that anything in my dream could have happened otherwise!

Shaking my head I checked my wound, it seemed to have re-closed while I was asleep allowing me to unbandage it. It was always so annoying when it would open, so many of my shirts got ruined thanks to the pesky wound. But leaving that matter behind I left a note for Sans that I was going to be heading out for a bit. I needed some fresh air to clear my head. Slipping on my jacket I noticed that it was a new one, it seemed to fit me better. Pap or Frisk must have gotten it for me at seeing how big my old jacket was on me. I could only smile at the thought, they were both so nice.

I decided I would go visit Frisk and see if she had been the one to buy it for me. After all, she wasn't ten anymore, but a proud thirteen...or did she turn fourteen already? Oh gosh I never did learn her birthday! I couldn't help but laugh as I walked down the sidewalk of the small city towards where Frisk and Tori lived. My memory was still a bit...glitchy on me..heh.

It was dusk by the time I finally got back home, with Frisk tagging along as she wanted to see her Dunkle Sans. It had been a fun relaxing day, we had gone to the park with Tori and we enjoyed the playground that was there. Frisk kept seeming to get taller by the day. We were almost the same height! Was I really that short? Shaking the thoughts away as I opened the door I could smell the burnt spaghetti and gave a small laugh. "Hey Saaaans. Paaap. Guess who else is here with me!"

Frisk was grinning as Sans got up from the couch to ask me who, after all, he couldn't see the girl who was hidden behind me. Until she ran towards him and tackled Sans with a hug. I smiled and yawned. "Tell Pap that I won't be eating dinner, me and Frisk ate before coming home and I'm tired. Frisk kept chasing me in the park." Frisk turned and stuck her tongue out at me and I made a tsk tsk towards her as I headed up the stairs. The girl just had too much energy for me.

Falling onto my bed with a happy sigh I was ready to sleep. I was actually hoping to see the void again in my dreams, because that would mean that everything was alright and that I just had one weird hiccup of a dream. Wrapping myself up snuggly into my blanket I listened to the murmurs of Frisk and Sans as they spoke to each other. It was all so nice and it easily lulled me to sleep.

When I woke up I was staring at a bright blue sky, and I had to blink. This..wasn't the save screen. Sitting up, I looked around at my surroundings. I was back where I had been before after I had fallen. What was happening?!? Looking down I could see I was bleeding again... but...I was wearing my new jacket, I hadn't bothered taking it off before going to sleep... That's right, I was sleeping right now.

Standing up I patted off the grass that tried to cling to me before looking around again. This place was beautiful. It was so vibrant and lovely...even...My? Blood that laid on the grass I had been lying on seemed to look like a rich red against the green of the grass. Though It did disturb me that There was blood here to even begin with.

I decided...if I was to be stuck here while I was asleep, I might as well explore the place my mind had created...cause this had to be fake? Right? clenching my hands into fists I decided to head towards the wooded area that I had seen from above, and that loomed off to the left of me.

Turning to face them I started to walk, feeling the grass brush against my bare bones and listening to the sweet sounds of the wild, I felt a bit more at ease, even as the sun disappeared from the foliage of the trees. I continued to move forward, just...going straight. I don't know if I'm imagining this, but it almost seemed like...I was following a path? There were barely any trees in my way as I continued to head further, as if someone else had walked this path before.

It felt took Hours to get anywhere in this forest. And I was tired of walking. So I found a little area that was clean of most rocks, just soft dirt and leaves and sat down. Leaning against a nearby tree I sighed and looked around. I...was lost, in these woods that could all be a part of my imagination. And I was starting to feel...tired? Was that even possible if I was a dream version of myself. This hasn't happened before, but maybe my mind was just trying to make this seem more real than it actually was. After all there were no people around, it was like the world was empty or something. Or just anyone who was here wasn't in this part of this world...If it was real.

Closing my eye sockets I let my mind wander and I stirred...In my bed? Blinking my eyes open the sun was already starting to rise. So it was a dream? Getting out of bed I looked down at my clothes... at least I wasn't bleeding again like last night.

The day went as normal, Pap made breakfast, we would wait until he announced that he was leaving before I would cook some food, and then some tv watching. Just the everyday routine I had grown use to. Of course Tori had allowed Frisk to stay a few nights so she watched tv with me and Sans.

Time seemed to fly and soon I heard Frisk yawn, causing me to do the same as I picked up the teen like a toddler. "Alright, time for us to sleep."

"But Geno I'm not tired! And...put me down i'm not a baby." Rolling my eye light at Frisk I headed up the stairs.

"Oh come on, you don't want to have a sleepover with me tonight instead of with Pap? I promise not to kick you out of the beeed." Grinning at Frisk I knew I had won her over, she most likely had woken up on the floor this morning, as normal. But my bed was nice and big, it could easily let us both sleep.

I let frisk down as she ran over and jumped onto my bed, a laugh passing my teeth. still so energetic even as she yawned once again. Soon enough we were both snuggling up into the blankets, and I could hear the soft snore that came from Frisk, I knew she was tired. The kid was like an open book sometimes.

When I woke up I was sitting against the tree again. It was as if I had actually fallen asleep here when I woke up in My world. Standing up and brushing off some of the dead leaves from my jacket I was unamused to see I was once again bleeding. Guess I couldn't get away with it. I continue my walk through the woods, searching for any kind of life. I could hear the tweeting of birds, of the rustling of the bushes as small creatures ran through. But no people. Just nature.

These dreams continued for days, turning to weeks. I had gotten myself truly lost in the woods. And I wanted to see the familiar save screen again. Though I didn't want to admit it...I was missing the black void of a place I used to visit in my dreams. The simplicity of it...So I decided...that I would go there. Not in my dreams. But in person.

Sweet dream or Nightmare? (Afterdeath Story)Where stories live. Discover now