His power

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(Reaper's Pov)

Both life and Geno stayed in the classics world for another two days while me and Ink went about doing our jobs. No one really knew what was happening and I tried to avoid the gods realm until we actually brought Geno with us. It would be So much easier to explain with him here than if I was by myself.

When Geno had learned that he would have to meet the king, the god of the skies, he had been visibly nervous, I couldn't blame him though. He wasn't used to all this responsibility that was being thrown onto him so quickly after he had finally gotten better.

So, we decided that Life would explain to him everything that might happen, so that he was more prepared when we did leave. I wish we could give him more time, but he needed to start training as soon as possible, so two days was all we could really afford to give him.

I was the one who would be responsible for bringing the two back after the two days, so once I had finished with my job I gave a sigh and cut open a portal before stepping through and letting my scythe disappear into thin air.

I was surprised when Geno tackled me with a hug, practically flinging himself at me, but I smiled and returned his hug with a wide smile. It made me feel...happy that he missed me even if we still didn't really know much about each other.

"Alright, alright Geno, I know you missed me, but you really are squeezing the Death out of me." I could hear the pfft from both Geno And life as they laughed at my joke. Geno did let go of me though as he looked up at me. Gods he had to be like, a bit more than a head shorter than me. It was so adorable.

Sighing softly I returned his gaze. "Go make sure that Sans knows you'll be gone for a bit...for your training. Okay?" Smiling softly I watched as he nodded, slightly saddened before he left the room to go tell Sans.

Walking over to Life I held out my hand to help her up from where she sat on the floor. She was wearing a new dress, a soft pink that complimented her white fur. Her green one needed cleaning so I had brought her a new one so she wouldn't be wearing dirty clothes. "Do you think he'll be okay Life?" Looking up at her now that she was standing up she smiled and nodded.

"I believe Geno will be ready now, though he still seems uncertain of himself." I nodded to what she said and letting go of her hand as Geno reentered the room he seemed sad. It must because he wasn't going to be here for a while.

(Geno's Pov)
"Alright, It's time to get going. But if you waaant Geno, me and life can hold your hands." I could feel my face heat up at Reaper's words as he smiled at me, though I would nod, and it was his turn to seem to blush a little as life giggled.

Walking over to the two Life would hold her hand out to me, which I would take, before looking over to death who after a moment would hold out one of his own hands that I could hold. I was right in the middle of life and death, I found it a little funny and had to hold back a laugh as I watched Reaper summon a scythe and slice at the air, creating a portal from mid air. It was so cool!

I was glad I held their hands as Reaper and life squeezed my smaller hands in reassurance, they weren't going to let anything happen to me, and it made me feel safe as the three of us stepped through the portal and into the gods realm.

I stared at amazement to where we had stepped into. This had to be a castle, but comparing it to the one in my world would be like comparing a lion to a house cat. The room was absolutely breathtaking, and the ceiling seemed to reach towards the sky. The windows let the room be flooded with golden light that helped keep the yellow flowers that laid in the center of the room to stay alive.

My attention turned towards a door that started to open, and I let go of Reaper as he took a small step forward, before clinging onto Life who wrapped her free arm around my shoulders. I continued to watch as the King came through. He was an Asgore clearly but, the way he held himself was so...graceful, collected and in control. From what life told me his emotions could control the weather of this realm specifically, but he could also control it at will.

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