Chapter #1. The 3 Mysterious Creatures

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One morning, there was a boy of only about 10. He has a terrible mess of midnight black hair and eyes the color of a beautiful, light emerald green, that radiated with power that not even Merlin himself had in and behind his very own eyes. He looked like a wizards house elf for his clothes were overly baggy, old, and large clothes with a few to many holes. Even more so for someone so young. Now, he was a mysterious boy, oh a very, very mysterious boy, and he was currently bending over and tending to the flour bed miniature garden. This boy, however, wasn't just any regular or ordinary boy. That's because he was a Potter. The most special of any and all Potter's; for he survived the curse, the 3rd Unforgivable Curse, that no one ever could. This curse was the killing curse, Avada-Kedavra. All that remained was an unhealable, untreatable, lightning bolt shaped scar. His name, Harry Potter. Harry loved with his Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin. Now, while Harry was bent over weeding the garden, he came face to face with 3 very odd and strange animals. Now, Harry didn't yet know that these 3 animals were not actually animals, but were really 3 creatures, magical creatures. That's when young Harry realized that the 3 little creatures in front of him were from books he had read in the distant past, but they were all supposed to be a legend and a myth. They weren't. Siddenly, the creature that looked like some kind of royal blue, gold, red, black, and purple colored bird began to speak to him. The strange thing was, however, the fact that Harry could understand it. The bird-like creature then began to speak. "Greeting's, young one. I am Novae, soon to be King of all Phoenixes. In the middle, here, is Drago, soon to be King of all Dragon's, and last but not least, beside Drago, we have Shadow, soon to be King of all serpents. I am the Phoenix Prince, Drago is the Dragon Prince, and Shadow is the snake, serpent, and Basilisk Prince. We are your familiars." That's when Harry fainted.

Harry Potter Heir of King Arthur,Peverells,Merlin,LeFey,Hogwarts,Magic Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now