Chapter #2. Learning the Truth

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When Harry finally woke up, he wasn't outside anymore. As a matter of fact, he wasn't even in, yet alone at, Privet Drive, anymore. It seemed to be like some sort of a private conference meeting room that would be inside of a bank. That's when he realized that he wasn't alone. He sat up to see the phoenix, dragon, and basilisk waiting for patiently for him to wake up. The first thing that Harry asked was, "Where are we?" Novae then spoke up. "We are currently in the conference chamber inside Gringott's Wizarding Bank. We are here for 3 main reasons, one being that of your cursed scar." Drago then continued for Novae. "The 2nd reason for why we are here is because of your height and from you being deprived from food and water, therefore, you will go through a medical test that requires 3 drops of blood." Shadow picked up from where Drago left off. "The 3rd, and most important reason of all, is for you to take an Inheritance Test so we can see and find out every and all Heir, Lord, Prince, and Kingships that you may have, posses, and can claim." Harry just starred at the 3 creatures in shock and surprise. All he could say was, "Wow. Okay." That's when 2 short creatures, Goblins, entered the room. Following behind them was a Goblin who looked like a King. For, he was, in fact, the Goblin King. Not knowing what to say, Harry just said the first thing that came to mind. "Uh, Hello Goblin King? Uh, Um how are you today?" "Ah, why I am doing more than fabulous. We .... wait, what's that sense of darkness..." began the Goblin King. Then turning towards Harry, the King gasped in ultimate shock, horror, anger, and even a bit of surprise. "The boy, it's his scar....... It's Cursed!!!! With Dark Mag... No... Vile Dark Black Magic! That Scar, IT'S A Horcrux!!!!" Harry was shocked and scared now. "Get him to my personal top Goblin healers! Immediately! Then search every vault for a Horcrux! Now, Go, Go, Go!!!!" The Goblin King was worried beyond repair. "You have to be a descendant of the Slytherin family line and as, if not more, powerful than or as powerful as Merlin, to have lived and survived form becoming an Obscurious, on top of having a Horcrux in your scar. Even more so due to your obvious incorrectly healed fractures and bones with malnourishment as well. Ultimately form surviving the Killing Curse. Now, get Heir, and as of right now, Lord, Lord Harry James Potter-Peverell. Get him healed and then bring him back here after so we can have him take the Full, accurate, and Powerful Inheritance Test, along with a Full Magical IQ test. Now, GO!" the Goblin King ordered and explained to the Goblins and Harry.

.... After the destruction of the Horcrux, the Goblin King, now known as King Ragnock when he spoke with the 3 mythical and mystical magical creatures. Now back in the room from where we left off at, and in, with Ragnock...

(*! Cliff Hanger!*)

Harry Potter Heir of King Arthur,Peverells,Merlin,LeFey,Hogwarts,Magic Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now