Chapter Three ~Photo of Lia

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As they drove home Alison sank in her seat, she wished she could just crawl up into a corner right about now and hide. How was she going to face her Mother? Even if she wasn’t home when they got back she was sure to find out about this, there was no way to hide it, either Caroline or Cooper were sure to tell her of their horrifying night out in the town.

Mom is going to be so upset with me when she hears what happened. Alison wanted to sink even further down at the thought but the seat underneath her wouldn’t allow it.

“How am I ever going to get these two to go to bed tonight?” Alison asked with dread in her voice, clearly showing her fear.

“oh don’t worry-” Chrystal said waving a hand in the air. “We’ll stay with you and help put them to sleep” Lia nodded her head in agreement.

“Yeah after all we got you into this mess, that’s the least we could do for you” the worry began to dissipate at their willingness to stick beside her and help her out.

“Yeah, we can watch some good kids movie, or something” Lia said. Immediately Alison and Chrystal gave Lia that look of ‘no way’ Every time Lia said a ‘good kid’s’ movie she’d  try and put on a horror movie. Taking her eyes off the road to look at Chrystal, she realized what she was thinking

“Oh come on! I mean it this time!” Lia defended herself.

“Yeah this time” Alison teased. Pulling up in the driveway, they all piled Out of the car. The living room light was on, striking Alison odd, she could have sworn she had turned it off before she left. Unlocking the door and opening it, to her surprise her mother stood a couple feet away from the doorway with her arms crossed.

“You know what, I just remembered my mom wanted me back early tonight” Lia made an excuse as she turned around trying to make a run for it, Chrystal quickly following after her.

“Hold it right there” Kathrine demanded, stopping them in their tracks, slowly turning back around they stood and faced her, bowing their heads, clasping their hands in front of themselves .

“Where on earth were you guys?” Alison’s mother asked, concern creasing her forehead.  If there was ever a time Alison wished her mother hadn’t come early, tonight would have been it.  Her mother always came home late at night, after they were already in bed sleeping.

“Um.. We ah…-” Lia tried explaining but was lost for the right words.

“It’s a long story Ma” Alison said, shrugging her shoulders, with an I am sorry face on. The chill from the outside air only made things seem worse, Alison couldn’t help but rub her arms. Her greatest fear had come true. The night had started off so nice, Alison couldn’t help but wonder how it ended out this way.

“Mom.. W-W-We” Caroline tried talking but kept stuttering.

“We- took them out for pizza” Chrystal said, standing behind Caroline putting both hands on her shoulders.

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