Chapter Five ~Photo of Sam

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Alison quickly got out of bed at the sound of her alarm clock beeping loudly; she couldn’t let Lia and Chrystal wait forever at the bus stop for her. Running across her room she tripped over packed boxes, her empty desk and boxes scattered around her room brought her back to the unfamiliar reality of having moved.

They won’t be waiting for me… They won’t be there at the school either…. She thought sadly to herself, if only they could have moved here too, then I wouldn’t have to meet Jason alone… Jason! I’m going to see him! She realized with both cheer and yet disappointment at the fact that neither of her friends would be there to meet him too.

 If I am going to meet him alone I better find something to wear… If only Lia and Chrystal were here though, they’d help me find something… she thought as she looked around at her new room, the walls were washed white, her old room had been painted a baby blue with pink streaks going across in a cool fashion. They’d help me paint this room just like we all painted my old one too…  

Going to her closet she started pulling out all her clothing, nothing seemed good enough, after all today was her first day of school. Today she would meet Jason. She couldn’t help but feel extremely nervous, closing her eyes she took in deep breathes trying to keep her excitement and worry in, she felt like doing a happy dance.

As she looked through her closet she throw her clothes behind her, pulling out her favorite pair of blue jeans she laid them out on the bed.

Returning back to her closet she reached further in, pulling a light blue button down denim shirt she examined it holding it out in front of herself. It was perfect; grabbing a white V neck she gathered up her outfit and headed to change.

Her footsteps pounded as she went down the stairs, they were as loud and violate as her own heartbeat. Every step closer she was to school she got even more nervous.

Walking into the kitchen her mother greeted her with a warm smile, walking over to her she gave her a tight hug hoping to find some comfort. Gathering her courage she said her goodbyes and headed out the door for school. She had to get there early

Alison always loved to be outside in the fresh air. As she walked to school she observed everything around her, two story houses lined each side of the street with big maple trees in the front yard. Alison walked on the very edge of the side walk trying to avoid the sprinklers.

The warmth of the air brushed her cheeks as she walked. Pulling out her phone she checked to see if Lia or Chrystal had messaged her, she would surly have to tell them about today, she would tell them everything that happened, it would be as though they were actually there with her.

Alison had talked to them every day since she left, but this morning there were no messages in the early morning, which strake her odd.

Walking to her new school it seemed bigger then what the pictures and the TV had portrayed, tall tress surrounded the school with dark green grass resting beneath them. The school looked like a museum, there were three different buildings with a cat walk connecting them together, oh, how she would love to see the view from there.

It was obvious that a lot of money was put into making the school, the building was breath taking. Opening the big heavy doors Alison walked into school. Students were busy about doing their own things.

There were more exchanged students from around the world then she had ever seen. Eyes laid upon her as she walked down the long hallway. Some of the female students gave her dirty looks as she walked past. Whispers filled the open air, while others minded their own business.

Alison picked up her pace, uneasy underneath their dark glares. Making her way to her class she dodged people walking mindlessly, almost walking into her.

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