For Hailey (Cute) Jason McCann

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Hailey's POV

I came home from work, obviously tired.

"Jason?" I yelled thinking I would get an answer, but instead, I got nothing.

"Jason!" I yelled again. No answer.


Then, I saw a note on the table.

It was from Jason. It read:


Dear Hailey,

You're probably wondering where I am. You'll find that out later. All you need to do is follow these notes. So first go to the place where we made up after our huge breakup:(. There will be an elderly woman waiting there to give you your second note. Oh and I love you<3

Love, Jason


I smiled and got in my car. Then I remembered where we made up. The park. I drove to the park. I got out and I saw an elderly woman. I walked up to her.

"Hi-" she cut me off.

"You're looking for Jason, aren't you?" She asked while smiling big.

"Yeah," I replied and smiled back.

She gave me a note. I thanked her and left.

The second note read:


Go to the movie theater right next to the park and there is the third note taped onto the door.


I went to the movie theater. I saw the note taped on the door. It read:


Now go to the ice cream shop we both love and there's a girl worker that will give you your fourth note. And don't worry your almost done!


I smiled and drove to the ice cream shop we love. I went up to the girl worker. She smiled and gave me the note.

"He really loves you," she said.

"I know. And I love him too." I said smiling big.

She smiled. I thanked her and left,

I read the 4th note:


Go to the place where we first met. There are no more notes. Once you get there, you will see a limo waiting for you. Get in and the limo driver will drive you to where I am. Don't worry, Ryan and Chaz will pick up your car and take it home.


I smiled widely. I drove to the mall. That's where we first met. We bumped into each other while we were going in.

I parked my car and saw a limo. I saw a limo driver waiting for me.

"You're Jason's girlfriend right?" He asked and smiled.

I nodded and smiled back. I went in the limo. He drove me somewhere. We arrived at a cliff. The limo driver helped me arrive to wear Jason was. I saw Jason. He smiled big when he saw me and he opened his arms. I ran into his arms and hugged him.

"Thank you so much Jason! You made my day 1000000 times better! I love you!" I said and kissed him.

"I love you too baby girl. I brought you here to ask you something big." He said and looked around nervously. He got down on one knee and had something in his hand. Oh my god is he going to do what I think he's going to do?

"I love you so much. I have put you at your best and worst times. Even though we fight, it just brings us closer. It makes our relationship stronger. I remember when I first met you. The way your eyes sparkled, and when you crinkled your nose when you laughed. Oh and I loved the way you blush every time I compliment you. Well let me get to the point. I love you so much and I want you in my life forever. I see you and me having a family in the future, Hailey. Hailey (A/N:Sorry Idk your last name!) will you do the honors and become my wife?" He said sweetly.

I gasped in happiness.

"YES YES 100% YES!" I said.

He smiled big and slipped the ring on my finger. We hugged and kissed.

"I want to make this night more special than it already is." He said.

"I want to make love with you." He continued.

"Okay but we have made love already bunch of times." I said and blushed.

"No no. I mean real love. Without a condom." He said.

My eyes widened but I nodded.

"Okay." I answered.

He smiled and we went home and made love. A year later we had a child named Julie. Everything was perfect.

Nothing could break us apart.


Hope you like it Hailey/hails1902! Sorry for the wait! I just got your message. But I hope you liked it. And everyone please vote and comment. I really would appreciate it! Ily! And you guys can request again, I'm done with all of my requests. So yeah. Bye!


~QOTD: Who is your favorite girl celebrity?

Mines is Ariana Grande😍

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