Chapter 3

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Sorry I haven't written in so long! I completely forgot about this, but I'm back now so yeah! Warning profanity ahead! You have been warned! Other than that I hope you enjoy! 

As Bill accelerated down the road he looked for any signs of Dipper. A red and blue flash caught his eye and he slowed. Bill squinted into the darkness, and pulled over. Looking back at the passenger seat, Bill put his keys and left over energy bar in his backpack. Locking the doors, Bill slung his bag on his back and started towards Dipper. As Bill got closer he started to sweat, what if he thinks I'm a stalker? 'Oh hey Dipper! I had this weird dream about you where it looked like you were going to die!'  Making a beeline for a nearby tree, Bill stepped off the road and into the woods. Bill crept closer to the tree. Once Bill got to the tree he peeked out. Dipper was looking down at a red book in his hand, now was his chance. Bill chose a closer tree. He peered from his hiding spot, Dipper didn't appear to notice. What am I still doing here? Dipper is safe, that's what matters right? Bill looked back at his car. But what is Dipper doing in the woods at- he looked down at his watch- quarter to five in the morning? Bill stared at the back of Dipper's head. What is going on inside that brain? Bill started toward a closer tree. His foot stepped on a loose tree branch. SNAP! Shit! Bill ran to the tree. "Who's there?" Dipper asked. Shit. Dipper stepped closer to Bill's tree, his feet crunching in the dead leaves. Shit shit shit. How am I going to explain this to Dipper? He couldn't, he would have to run. Dipper's footsteps were still inching closer. Think... Bill got an idea, unzippering his backpack slowly, Bill grabbed the energy bar. Bill placed the backpack back on his back, and threw the energy bar far away from him. The bar made a satisfying thunk as it hit a tree. Dipper ran towards the sound, taking his chances Bill ran.

(A/N) I know it's another short chapter but I swear they will get longer! It's finally summer so I'll have more time to work on this. If you have any questions please just ask me and I'll do my best to answer them (as long as they're not spoiler related), I hope you can follow along with the story, I really like it so far!

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