Part three

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It's the week before the big Dance and Toby and I have been furiously campaigning for Astro boy and space female/person everyday. And today we are going shopping for our coordinating dance outfits, Toby rents a deep red suit and it accents his muscular build, he picks out a black tie and puts it on. He looks stunning in his attire even better than in my fantasies. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. I can feel my cheeks heating up. "Your blushing~" he says, with a smirk "well ya you look really good in that suit" i say shyly looking down so my hair hides my face. Toby suddenly places his warm hands on my cheeks and cups my face. "You're really cute when you get embarrassed, you're just like a puppy" he then leans closer to my face, so close that our lips were practically touching "you make me want to tease you~ Toby whispered as his dominant personality began to shine through. Then he closed the distance between us, and we were connected in a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Through this kiss it was almost like we learned more about each other. We were more in love, more...connected. I finally broke the kiss after a few moments as I was starting to run out of breath. I looked at Toby and I realized just how hard I've fallen for him. Toby's cheeks where radiating warmth as he was blushing. I smiled at him, and then he pulled me into a tight embrace. "don't ever leave me y/n, I love you so much, life would worthless without you" Toby whispers into my ear "I wouldn't leave u even if you forgot who i was, i would just show you so much love that you would remember me " i say back gently **** fast foreword to the day of the dance. ****

I see Toby's dads car pull up in our driveway, Toby gets out in his suit, he looks so handsome,, he rings the door bell and my father answers it "hellloooooooOoO Toby" my dad says he extends his hand, and Toby shakes it, "hello Mr. Smith-Wilson, I'm here to pick up y/n" he smiles really big, i leap down the stairs and yell " I HAVE ARIVEDD"

I then gazed upon Toby and smile at him, I'm filled to the brim with emotions of joy Toby then says " your looking pretty good fresh meat" I then smile and reply " same to you future Astro boy"

..time laps..

We arrive at the dance and enter the gym of our school hand in hand. We talk to our friends and then all of the sudden our song comes on its I RAN BY FLOCK OF SEAGULs we chose this as our song because we were running when we first met. I spot Toby across the room and he looks at me with that devilish smirk of his. I blush a bit as he walks towards me and takes my hand. " to the dance floor y/n" he wispers in my ear . I smile back at him as we begin to dance to our song. We gaze into each others eyes in our own little world blocking out everyone around us. As the final seconds of the song play Toby wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to his body, I can feel the heat radiating off of him I gently grab his tie and pull him to me and I stand on my tipi toes. Our lips meet in a lustful kiss as the song ends. We finally break the kiss and hold hands as it is time to announce the winners of Astro boy and space person. I whisper into tobys ear " even if we dont win I'll still love you" he smiles at me and gives my hand a reassuring squeeeze the. Says to me " same here I'll always love you"

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