Silent Treatment {H.S.}

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Summary: You and Harry have been dating for 2 years now. You've been through everything with him, tours, fights, paparazzi etc. While on tour, he wasn't feeling to well that night. You tried convincing him to stay home, but all he did was get sassy. You soon got fed up with him and gave him the silent treatment.
Warnings: Strong language, sassy Harry.
{Word count: 1.8k}

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It all started at 8:30 a.m.

Harry woke up with a terrible stomach ache and a 101 fever. You tried to help him - giving him medicine, soup, etc. - but he refused to take anything you gave him.

"Come on baby, you need to take something. You have a concert tonight." You say frustrated with your stubborn boyfriend.

"Y/N I will be fine." He mumbled as he stands up stumbling to the bathroom for what seems like the hundredth time.

You roll your eyes sighing sitting on your shared queen sized bed. You were used to Harry's sassiness after about 2 and a half years of being together. It always frustrated you to the point you wanted to rip your hair out of your head, but you loved him dearly and always worked hard to help him.

"You're so stubborn and it pisses me off." You mumbled glancing over at him hunched over the toilet.

"A lot of things piss you off love." He mumbles in his gruff morning voice looking over at you smirking softly.

You glare at him as you flip him off with a little fuck-you look. You knew he was only messing around with you, but it always hurt your feelings when he started being an asshole. He slowly stands to his feet stumbling from his dehydration. You sigh as you walk over wrapping your arm around his waist helping him back to the soft bed. You frowned as you could feel how hot and sweaty he is, that and he was only in his black Calvin Klein underwear, his clothes scattered across the floor from when he took them off in the middle of the night.

"I told you that you need to drink water bub." You sigh as you walk over turning on the ceiling fan for him.

"Sorry..." He mumbled as he closes his eyes enjoying the cold breeze blowing on him.

You sigh as you walk out of the room heading downstairs to the kitchen grabbing a glass of water for Harry, although you feel as though he might reject it once again. As you head back upstairs you hear the horrible sounds of gagging. You shiver to yourself as you hated the fact of anyone throwing up - the sounds and smells was what bothered you the most. As you slowly approached your shared bedroom, the smell got stronger by the second, your eyes widen when you finally get to see what happened. There he was, hunched over in the middle of the room, vomit splattered all over the white carpeting.

"I'm so sorry babe, I tried to hurry to the bathroom bu-" You cut him off mid-sentence by walking away from the room, the fumes making you nauseous yourself.

You don't mean to be rude, but you need to take care of him. You can't risk getting sick yourself. You walk to the closet at the end of the hallway grabbing a towel along with your steamer. You walk back into the room as you see Harry curled into a little ball on the bed. A frown forms upon your face seeing the sight of him, you always felt bad when he was sick.

It took you an hour to clean up Harry's accident, you were sweating yourself from the hot room and all the hard work you had to put into cleaning the carpet. You throw the towel into the washer and lay down next to Harry. He immediately wraps his arms around your waist, his head rested upon your boobs, his emerald eyes tiredly look up at you.

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