Silent Treatment {H.S.} {Part II}

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{Word Count: 1.3K}

Your eyes stung at his words, 'clingy bitch'. You blinked away the tears shaking your head storming out of the arena. You had enough of his attitude and didn't want to see him until he was over this fucking mood swing. You called a taxi and headed back to yours and Harry's little home. Once you got their you headed straight upstairs to your room changing out of your clothes wearing nothing but a long T-shirt and your panties.

You laid in bed cuddled into the sheets thinking about everything that happened today, how supportive and helpful you were trying to be and he calls you a fucking clingy bitch?! You shook your head as you let the tears fall, you weren't necessarily sad, just really frustrated to the point where you just didn't want to deal with it anymore. But you loved Harry and you couldn't leave him over something so stupid and pathetic like this.                    

You slowly fall asleep as your body was really tired after such a stressful day with Harry..

• • •

You awoke as you hear the front door slam shut. You glance over at your alarm clock on your bed side table as it read 2:30 am. You rub your eyes and slowly get out of bed. You walk downstairs seeing Harry leaned against the counter drinking a glass of water. He looks up at you smiling softly.

'Why the hell is he smiling at me?' You thought to yourself. 'Does he not remember calling me a clingy ass bitch and being oh so mad at me earlier for trying to take care of him?'

"'M sorry it took so long for me to come home. The lads and I decided to stop and get snack before we went home." He says, his voice rough from singing. He walks over to you wrapping his arms around your waist.

You roll your eyes as you slip out of his grip, leaving him confused.

"It's fine." You mumble heading towards the kitchen to grab yourself something to eat.

"Is everything okay love?" He asks very confused as to why your all of a sudden being so distant with him.

You turn around glaring at him crossing your arms. "Is everything okay? Is everything okay?! Do you not remember what you said to me just a few hours ago? 'I don't need you're fucking help! So stop acting like a clingy bitch and just leave me the fuck alone,'" You repeat the words he said to you earlier, his face becoming pale.

"Now, You tell me if everything's fine!" You snap shaking your head at him.

"I didn't mean it baby. 'M sorry it was just in the heat of the moment. I-" He started to protest, but you stopped him.

"I don't want to hear it Harry. I get it I'm a "clingy bitch" for trying to be a good girlfriend and take care of you. I also don't care if it was in the heat of the moment, you still shouldn't have said that." You said shaking your head, your back still facing him.

You hold back your tears as you make yourself some toast. You were surprised when he didn't say anything, but you were also hurt that he didn't say anything else.

You turn around to glance at him, but you only got a glimpse of him walking up the stairs. You shake your head looking down at your feet as you let the tears flow down your cheeks again.

It wasn't fair the way he was treating you and he usually protests when you say bad things about yourself, like when you always say your thighs are to fat, or boobs and ass are to small, how you wished you had an hour glass figure and perfect body like every model you on television or in magazines. But he didn't do that after calling you a clingy bitch, after you admitting that you think you are one at times. He just walked away like nothing mattered.

You shake your head wiping your tears as you plate the now finished toast throwing it away as you lost your appetite. You sigh walking over to your home phone calling your best friend, Lia. You knew it was late and you felt bad, but you didn't want to stay here tonight.

After the first 5 rings she finally picked up...

"Hello?" She answers in a groggy, tired voice.

" can I stay at your place tonight?" You say in a quiet voice, your voice cracking slightly from all the crying and screaming.

"Of course you can girl, but what happened? Is everything okay?!" She asked as you could hear how concerned she was for you.

"I'll explain when I get there." You say sighing looking at your feet.

"Okay, bye girl. Love you." She says.

"Love you too." You say back as you hear her make a "muah" sound like she always does.

You smile weakly hanging up the phone sighing putting it down. You knew you had to go upstairs now and get the basic essentials as you know Lia will let you borrow some clothes, but you didn't want to face Harry, or hear his lame excuses.

You sighed as you woke over quietly heading upstairs. You walk into the room seeing Harry sitting at the edge of the bed, with his elbows rested on his knees, his hands tangled into his beautiful brown curls. He glances up at you when he hears your soft footsteps.

"Y/N I-" He started to say, but you just shook your head looking down walking into your guys' shared bathroom closing and locking the door behind you.

You grabbed your overnight bag and packed your bathroom supplies, toothbrush, hairbrush, makeup etc. You also grabbed your shampoo and conditioner as you honestly didn't know how long you would be gone.

Once you had everything you walked out of the bathroom walking over to your drawers grabbing sweatpants to wear since you were only in your panties.

"Where are you going?" You bear Harry's quiet voice as you know he's watching you.

"Lia's.." You mumbled quietly as you grabbed some clothes and your phone and wallet.

"Y/N you cant just leave!" Harry tried to protest as his fastened saddened.

You turn to look at him shaking your head crossing your arms.

"Why shouldn't I Harry? So you can just keep calling me a clingy bitch? So you won't just let me help you when you're sick?! I'm done with this Harry! You didn't even try to talk to me about it! You didn't even try to protest against it! You just left me in the kitchen to ponder my thoughts! You know I always think about if I'm being to clingy, or if I'm not giving you enough of my love, if I'm a bad girlfriend, if I'm just like what everyone comments...a horrible girlfriend who doesn't even try to take care of you. To make sure you're happy. I'm scared to death that all of these are right or one of them is, and I don't want to lose you because of it. And clearly stated how you matter if you were dazed from being sick or if it was in the heat of the moment, it obviously had to be true if that's what was on your mind. Until I get my old caring boyfriend back, and until you can clear your mind of all the stress you have...that's when I'll come back. But for now...I just need to go Harry..." You express to him as your eyes burned from the tears you were holding back.

Before he could say anything to you, you grabbed the rest of your things and left him. Your heart broke when he didn't even try to chase after you or to stop you from leaving him, but at the same time you were glad he was letting you be. To let you think about everything along with leaving him to think everything through.

• • •

Here's part 2 to my previous imagine!

Hope you guys enjoy!
(Possible part 3 coming soon😉)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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