Chapter 15: A dinner to remember

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That night, I welcomed all of the boys, Saya and Zusu invited their finacee's and their names are Yuto and Jun. They're pretty nnice and overall everyone got along during the night!

At least, I HOPED

"Oh, come on! You don't excpect Azu to like Dark chocolate don't you, DOOFUS!" Xero argued with his brother "Oh, no. Azusa said she liked any chocolate just fine, YOU'RE the doofus here Xero, not me." Xenon defended and threw the insult back lik.e a game of ping pong. "Bro, you do know that Azusa doesn't really like rock music, do you?" Rei asked his brother, Ren. "Nuh, uh! Rock music is really energizing! It's so much better!" Ren shouted back. "WHo do you think you are?! You met Azusa last, I met her first and you get her?! Don't make me laugh!" Kaito snickered at Jin. "No! You are just perverted, you just come out of no where and the go hugging Azusa?! That is totally invading her personal space!" Jin shouted back. "NO! YOU GUYS ALL STOP!!! CAN'T YOU SEE AZUSA ISN'T COMFORTABLE WITH YOU GUYS ARGUING WITH EACH OTHER?!" Hiro screamed, but no one took notice "WHAT DO YOU THINK AZUSA?!" Xenon, Xero, Ren, Rei, Kaito and Jin all asked simultaniously. I was overwhelmed "Uh, ummm... you guys can choose.  I hid behind Hiro since he was the only one who tried to stop them.

Hiro patted my shoulder and he made me feel better but I was, as usual, oblivious to the heavy atmosphere against Hiro. "Well, let's get this party started!!!" Saya, Zusu, Jun and Yuto all shouted, commencing the party. It ws pretty good since we all had fun and did karaoke, eat, twister and a test of courage in the woods behind the dorm, we all had so much fun, when it was time for all of the boys to leave, Hiro kissed me on the forehead and left with a wave and also giving me the signal to not tell anyone about the kiss. I nodded and waved back. "Soooo, who did you think attached to Azu the most?" Zusu smirked behind my back, "Probably Hiro since she was hiding behind him when things got scary, he was also the one who got paired with Azu- chan." Saya replied with a smirk on her face. "N-N-NOOOO!" I shouted, flustered "It's not like that!" 

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