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To everyone who supported my first ever published story here in Wattpad I just want to give my most sincere gratitude to all of you, I did not expect having very loyal readers who are always waiting for my updates, to all of the readers who patiently waited whenever I'm so inconsistent with my updates, to all of the readers who gave a very good review about this story, to every LeAga fan who voted and added this story of mine in their reading lists/library.

This story is actually very very special to me, aside from it's my first story, this story has gotten through a lot of revisions and editings, because of it's lapses and this story is first created when I was grade 7 and now I finished it already (I'm already Grade 12) so it took 5 to 6 years to finish this if we are going to include the year that I am not able to write anything, but if not this is actually a 2 year old story.

BY THE WAY, I just want to give credits sa mga photos and informations na nasa story ko. All of the photos in my story came from and of course naman yung mga information about Schizophrenia and Post Traumatic Amnesia....


I unpublished my 2nd story rito to make revisions and I wish na maintay niyo siya. Siguro naman ay makakapaghanap na ako ng inspirasyon na ituloy siya since wala naman nang pasok 😂

Again thank you for supporting GAYA NG DATI. I am finally letting go of this story but will start another one or two, I hope that Lea and Aga's characters taught you lessons that EVEN THOUGH THE MEMORY OF OUR LOVE ONES CAN BE VANISHED, OUR HEART REMEMBERS WHAT OUR MIND DOESN'T.

Gaya Ng DatiWhere stories live. Discover now