The Nightmare

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Newt POV

I woke up in a cold sweat. My throat so dry that I didn't even realise I was inaudibly screaming in terror. I'm used to these nightmares by now. Usually I won't have them when Thomas is sleeping beside me, usually his warmth keeps me calm throughout the night, but, apparently, tonight was an exception.

I sit up in our double bed, I glance down at Tommys restful, calm face. I smile to myself, thankful I haven't woken him up. He seems so peaceful, just lying there, face smushed into the pillow. I try to get out of the bed as silently as possible, every 2 seconds pausing to check he's still asleep.

I finally manage to escape our bedroom. I tread lightly through the hallway, down the stairs, then across to the kitchen. I heave myself onto one of the stools, still trying to be as silent as possible, knowing that most noises from the kitchen echo through to the bedroom. I end up just sitting there. Staring at the kitchen bench. My head resting in my palm and the only noise being the cars driving past outside.

That is until my brain dives into a dark, dark rabbit hole of what ifs. What if I did die that day I jumped off the wall? What if Tommy, Minho and Alby never survived that night in the maze? What if Tommy chose Teresa over me? What if the Krank had taken over me? What if I lost Tommy? What if Tommy died?... What if I had killed Tommy?

It seemed as though I couldn't end these thoughts, that they were completely consuming me, that I'd never escape the nightmare. I taste the salty tear drops fall onto my tongue, as I realise I'm crying. Loudly. I'm almost choking on tears. I get up and poor a glass of water for myself. I attempt to quieten my seemingly unstoppable stream of tears.

I gulp down the water, it soothes my throat and helps me calm down slightly. Deep breathes, Newt c'mon, you're okay, deep breathes. I close my eyes and grip the edge of the bench, stabilizing myself.

I suddenly hear a small creak. I open my eyes and dart them towards where the sound is coming from. I see Tommy, walking tiredly down the stairs, with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. His eyes are lightly fluttering. Shuck. My bloody sobs must've woken him up.

"Heyy Newt, you all good?" He asks as he slowly approaches me. "Y-yeah Tommy I'm f-fine just uh couldn't sleep" I lie, he gives me a look that says he sees right through the lie. "Nightmares?" He simply questions.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter (:
Update- Next Chapter has been posted so you can go read that too if you're interested so far.
Have a lovely day you beautiful nuggets xx

A Blanket and Tea.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang